Friday, May 12, 2023

8-12 de mayo

¡Hola Familias! 

We had another great week of fun and learning together! Although I was not in school for the beginning of the week, the kids were so excited to tell me about all they had done when I came back! 

On Monday this week, the class enjoyed fun field-day activities run by Spanish Immersion students from the Unified class at the High School.

On Wednesday, the kindergarten classes took a field trip to Bill's Greenhouse, where they learned about seeds, plants, and flowers, as well as completed their Mother's Day gifts (hope you like them, moms!). Did you know that this field trip has been going on for over 25 years, and that the greenhouse has ALWAYS donated the flowers for the students' Mother's Day gifts? I encourage you to stop by this amazing business and check out the other beautiful flowers and plants they have for sale!

Also, I would like to say a huge "thank you" for all of the notes, words of encouragement, gifts, and goodies you all showered me with this week for Teacher Appreciation week. It is such a joy for me to teach every one of these sweet kids!

Here are more updates from the week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with the digraph /ch/: cha, che, chi, cho, chu. We also concluded our nonfiction unit by sharing what we learned when we read nonfiction books together and on our own.

Writing / Escritura: We've been finishing our nonfiction animal books! This week we added diagrams, details, and worked on revising our work.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we continued to practice shapes, addition and subtraction problems, and the numbers from 11-20.

Bible / Biblia: We have learned a few of Jesus' parables this week, including the Good Samaritan (el buen samaritano) and the Lost Sheep (la oveja perdida).

Science / Ciencias: We've been learning about the similarities and differences between animals and plants, and what each one needs to survive.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Make a connection with our Bible lesson this week. Can you find one of Jesus' miracles in a Bible you have at home? Have your child tell you what he/she remembers about the story. Read the story again together, either in Spanish or in English!

Reading Tip of the Week

You should be SO proud of your child for how much growth he/she has made this year, both in Spanish AND in reading! Have your child "show off" to you by reading some book bag books in Spanish sometime this weekend. Give your child lots of praise for great work!

Yearbook Order

Did you order a yearbook for your child in September during picture days? If not, there is still time! Click this link to place your order!

Book Fair

Dear Parents and Families:

Get ready! New books to encourage your student's love for reading are coming! Here's what you need to know about our upcoming Book Fair:

Fair Dates: May 24 - May 26 from 11 am - 4 p.m. at the Intersection in Rose Park

  • Every dollar you spend will benefit our school library directly

  • You can sign up for Book Fair eWalleta convenient digital payment account, so your child can shop the Fair cash-free. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute to the eWallet to help build your home library. To sign up, link to the Book Fair Homepage 

Book Fair Homepage: It's Book Fair Time!

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