Friday, August 18, 2023

Getting Ready for the First Day!

¡Hola Familias!

What a special time last night! I absolutely LOVED being able to meet (or see again) each of the sweet kids who will be in our classroom this year! If there had been more time, I would have loved to chat more with each one of you. I look forward to building a great classroom community this year!

I have a few pieces of information that I thought I would share to help prepare you for next week...

Drop-off / Dismissal
A lot of people have wondered about drop-off and pick-up procedures. Great question! For drop-off, students can arrive anytime after 7:55. There is a morning recess from 7:55-8:10. At 8:10 students come inside and go to their classrooms. Students are expected to arrive by 8:15 and be in class. I am hoping to start our learning on time, although of course the first few days will take some getting used to for sure! :)

For pick-up, we will exit out of Door B (next to small gym) in a line between 3:10-3:15. Many parents will park and wait for their child in the grassy area next to this door. Each child must let me know when they see their parent/guardian and tell me "adiós Maestra" before going with them. Other parents stay in the carpool lane, and I will take the students in a line to find their cars. Students will be loaded up until the white line. Most parents leave their hazards on until their child has been delivered to their vehicle. If you are behind the line, we will wait until the first cars leave and then prepare for "round 2" of loading. Students riding the South Side shuttle will wait with me until the shuttle arrives, at which point I will dismiss them to load. 
I know, this all sounds very confusing, but it will make sense after the first week--I promise!

Treats for First Week
Would you like to sign up to provide some surprise treats during our first week of school? Here is a link--thank you in advance! 

Classroom Allergies
Speaking of treats, we have a few friends with allergies in our class this year. In order to keep every child safe, our classroom will be nut- and egg-safe. This means that the following items will not be permitted in the classroom:
    -Peanuts or any kind of raw nut
    -Bars or sandwiches with any kind of peanut or nut butter
    -Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs (eggs baked into things is ok)

Thank you for your understanding as we work hard to make our learning environment safe for everyone!

No Immersion? No problem!
If your child has not been in an immersion classroom before, don't worry! While I do speak in Spanish 100% of the time to the class, I give kids lots of opportunities to practice and feel successful as they learn a new language! It will be tiring, and of course it can feel overwhelming at times, but I promise that your child will get into our routine quickly--and have fun!

I went through the materials this morning at school (thank you!) and found a few students missing their pencil boxes. If your child does not have one in his/her desk, could you please have it ready to go for Tuesday morning? It should contain:
    -5 pencils
    -3 glue sticks
    -pair of scissors
    -crayon box

Also, if you have forgotten to send in headphones and/or your child's art shirt, please do so during the first week!

My apologies for not specifying to label your child's composition notebook! It is a new item this year. If you recognize items you sent in the photo below, please let me know so I can label them with your child's name! 

Parent Information Night
...will be on Thursday, August 24th from 6:00-7:00pm! I look forward to giving you a little more information about our upcoming year together.

Whew! That's a LOT of information! I know that the first days of school can be very overwhelming, but we will be in a routine before you know it!

I wish you and your family a very happy weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday morning! If between now and then you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! 

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