Friday, November 3, 2023

30 de octubre - 3 de noviembre

¡Hola Familias! 

What a crazy weather week we've had together--snow, sunshine, and everything in between! What a blessing it has been this week to enjoy God's creation and engage in some outdoor learning together! 

Here is some more information about what we've been doing this week...

Reading / Lectura: We have been learning the syllables with p: pa, pe, pi, po, pu (this always elicits lots of giggles from the kids ;)). We are working on identifying, reading, and counting the syllables in words. 

Writing / Escritura: This week we started transitioning into writing mini-books called libros de listas, or books of lists. We are brainstorming lists of words and practicing sharing our thoughts with our partner.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we focused on seeing numbers 6-10 as a 5 plus more (like in a ten frame). We did some fun activities outside to reinforce this concept, including counting bellotas (acorns) and tracing our hands. 

Bible / Biblia: This week we started learning about the life of Moisés, who was saved by his mother when she put him in una canasta in the river. We also learned about how Moisés heard God's voice in a burning bush telling him to go to Egipto, but he was afraid. We talked about how sometimes we are afraid to do things, but God is always with us.

Science / Ciencias: We spent some time exploring creation using los ojos (eyes), examining things we found in nature.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Typically for a new vocabulary word to "stick", students learning a new language need to hear it between 40 and 60 times. When the word is repeated across different contexts (e.g. in reading and math), it's more likely that the child will remember the word. In our classroom, we are constantly reviewing and practicing our vocabulary in different ways; for example, through a song, with an action, or using a visual cue.

Reading Tip of the Week

When your child is starting to read books on his/her own (book bags coming soon!), remind them to follow along with their eyes and fingers. Ask them to match pictures with the words in the books!

Events Next Week

Next Monday morning, we will be welcoming some visitors from Costa Rica to our school! They will perform a typical dance for us and then we will spend time with them in our classroom. Our event will start right at 8:20, so please make sure your child gets to school on time!

Next Wednesday afternoon, we will go to the Outdoor Discover Center after lunch and music class for more outdoor play and learning! Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather that day.

Thursdays are library days for us--please make sure your child returns his/her books before then. ¡Gracias!

Safety: Now that our morning commutes are darker this season, and since we so value the safety of our student pedestrians and cyclists in the morning, can we please ask a favor? We ask that student cyclists wear reflective clothing, and even have a light on their bikes. In addition, student and adult pedestrians please take extra care when crossing streets and parking lots, especially when in close proximity to our buses. Our bus drivers and drop-offs definitely want to remain accident-free! 

Enjoy the weekend, everyone! More photos from our week below...

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