Friday, November 10, 2023

6-10 de noviembre

Hola Familias!

We had a beautiful and busy week this week! On Monday, we welcomed some visitors from Costa Rica who performed a typical dance for us and taught us a little about their country. We also spent some time learning about two of our discipleship flags, vivir en servicio (servant living) and respirar la gracia (grace breathing) with our other kindergarten friends. We had a GREAT field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center on Wednesday, despite threats of rain! Finally, today we had the special opportunity to invite two veteran papás from our class to visit us, and we learned about their time in the military. Thank you for your service!

Here's more about what we've been learning this week...

Reading / Lectura: We have been working on the syllables sa, se, si, so, su. The kids are getting better and better and identifying syllables by reading and blending the two different sounds together (e.g. m--a => ma). We also started our guided reading time in leveled reading groups. You will find your child's NEW BOOK BAG in his/her folder. Please take a look at the letter inside and read your child's book together this weekend!

Writing / Escritura
: We are working on our libros de listas, or books of lists. This is an opportunity for the kids to use lots of vocabulary, classify things in categories, and writing the sounds in words. They are doing a fantastic job, and I am proud of the hard work they are doing!

Math / Matemáticas: This week we did some outdoor learning to continue practicing seeing numbers 6-10 as a 5-group plus more. We have also been enjoying new math centers as well as writing numbers and working with patterns.

Bible / Biblia: We continued learning about Moisés this week, and how God brought the ten plagues on Egipto when Faraón did not free the israelitas from slavery. Then, after Faraón finally freed them, God opened the waters of el Mar Rojo--the Red Sea--so that His people could walk through safely. Our God is amazing!

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: We learned the importance of Veteran's Day and enjoyed hearing from special veteran dads from our class.

Immersion Tip of the Week

I challenge you to find a time or a way for your child to hear Spanish outside of school this week! Could you play music in Spanish at home? Check out some "Super Simple Español" or 123Andrés YouTube videos? Change your Netflix language to Spanish while your child watches a show? Help your child remember that it's not only a language, it's a part of life!

Reading Tip of the Week
Go on a "scavenger hunt" for letters and sounds as you drive somewhere in your car. Ask your child, "Can you find the letter/sound ___?" Many sounds in Spanish are the same (or similar to) those in English, but others are different. Ask your child to teach you some letter names or sounds in Spanish!

SAVE THE DATE! SI Christmas Program

We are excited to be starting work on our Spanish Immersion Christmas Concert! Please see invitation below. It will be on Tuesday, December 12th at 6:30pm. More details to follow!! 

TRAVEL OPPORTUNITY - Immerse your family in the culture and language of Spain, Costa Rica, Colombia, or Mexico! Amanda Cisneros (former HC Spanish teacher) and Kelsey Wilson are moms of Spanish immersion kids. They started Travec to provide intentional, immersive travel for people of all ages - reach out for info on trips in 2024. or

Student Absences and Illness: Parents, if your student is absent for any reason, please make sure to contact the office at naming also the reason for their absence. If your child is sick please inform us in the email or phone call if the symptoms are cold/flu or stomach. That is helpful information as we try to avoid spread within classrooms! As we’re entering cold/flu season, a gentle reminder that we require a 24-hour fever/puke-free window to ensure your child is healthy and ready to re-engage in learning! 

Safety: Now that our morning commutes are darker this season, and since we so value the safety of our student pedestrians and cyclists in the morning, can we please ask a favor? We ask that student cyclists wear reflective clothing, and even have a light on their bikes. In addition, student and adult pedestrians please take extra care when crossing streets and parking lots, especially when in close proximity to our buses. Our bus drivers and drop-offs definitely want to remain accident-free! 

Mocha & Merch Open House:
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, November 29 from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. You are invited to The Maroon and White Shop’s Second annual Mocha and Merch Christmas Open House!  Come browse our new store at HCHS while enjoying the provided refreshments, listening to Christmas music and start your Christmas shopping!  We will have the latest HC gear available, and the first 15 people to make a purchase will receive a complimentary gift!  Each item bought directly supports the Special Olympics Unified Sports program at the high school.  It’s an event you won’t want to miss!

Lost and found table: We have a lost and found table near the office, and it’s overflowing with items. If your students are missing something have them check the lost and found or feel free to stop in to check as well! 

Paperwork Updates: As the office works to make sure all of our files are up to date, you may notice forms coming home in your students backpack in the next few weeks. If you notice these forms in your child's backpack please return them to school as soon as you are able.

That's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy more photos from our week below!

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