Friday, April 26, 2024

22-26 de abril

 ¡Hola Familias! 

Spring is in the air! We have had a great week enjoying some beautiful weather, playing, celebrating, and growing together! I can't believe we're already almost in May--the year has FLOWN by! I am so proud of all the kids have learned and grown this year. We're almost at the end of Kindergarten!

This week we had a fantastic time as a SI community celebrating el Día de San Jordi, which is celebrated primarily in Barcelona, Spain. We had the privilege of hearing from Sr. Jordi Fuentes, who is from Barcelona himself, tell about the origins of this festival, which is also connected to International Book Day! We had fun making masks and crowns, writing our own books, decorating the flag of Catalonia, and more! It was a fun celebration for everyone. You can see the photos from this fun activity HERE!

Today we had a local author and therapist, Emilie DeYong, visit our class and read a book she wrote entitled Peanut Butter Pie Calms the Worry Wave. This sweet book talks about strategies we can use using our mind, body, and spirit to calm our worries. In the photos below you'll see a recipe for Gram's Peanut Butter Pie, which was included with our class book! :) 

This week we also said "adiós" to our wonderful Hope College helpers from this semester: Maestra Marisol, Maestra Megan, and Maestra Annie. It was so fun having them in our classroom!

Here are more updates from our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with x: xa, xe, xi, xo, xu, and a few words with the w (which is uncommon in Spanish). We've been continuing to study nonfiction books and how we can study diagrams, photos, and words to learn more about many topics.

Writing / Escritura: We started our animal research project this week! The kids learned to use Safari to do a Google image search and fill out a graphic organizer about a certain animal and what it looks like, where it lives, and what it eats. This was fun and challenging for everyone. Next week we'll use the graphic organizer to write books!

Math / Matemáticas: We've been practicing the parts of 10 using our fingers and remembering which parts go together. We've also been practicing finding the missing parts of other numbers and reviewing addition and subtraction problems.

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned about some more milagros (miracles) of Jesus, such as when he healed the Centurion's servant, when he healed the paralytic who was lowered through the roof, and when he calmed the storm. We are so thankful for the Bible, where we can read more about Jesus' miracles and parables.

Field Trips Coming Up!

We have a couple of fun field trips coming up! Here are a couple of them, as well as other volunteer opportunities for you:

1. Field Trip to JW Greenhouse; Monday, May 6th: this is an opportunity for DADS! (we'll be making a Mother's Day gift that day!) We will leave around 1:15 and get back to school by 3:00.

2. Field Trip to Taquería Azteca; Tuesday, May 7th: we will visit the restaurant and have a scavenger hunt around the store. We will leave school around 9:45 and arrive back around 11:30 or so.

3. Barn Chores: Tuesday, May 14th!

I think that's it for now! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy more pictures from our week below!