Friday, April 19, 2024

15-19 de abril

¡Hola Familias! 

We had another great week! On Wednesday we celebrated Eastertide at the High School with the entire HC community, which was a beautiful experience to sing and praise God together. We have also been excited seeing our plants in the greenhouse grow, learning more about our Discipleship Practices (this month is Word Rooted and Wisdom Seeking), and having fun together!

Here's more information about our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with g: ga, gue, gui, go, gu (all of which make a /g/ sound as in "guitar"). We've also been learning about nonfiction books and distinguishing between hechos y opiniones (fact and opinions). 

Writing / Escritura: We finished our instructivos (how-to) books this week! After reading them to the class, we started talking about nonfiction writing. We did a collaborative writing project writing hechos (facts) from books we've read in class.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we practiced comparing numbers using mayor / menor (greater/less than). We are also continuing to practice counting from 1-100, as well as solve word problems. This week we also compared 2D and 3D shapes, learning the words cono, cilindro, esfera, y cubo (cone, cylinder, sphere, and cube). 

Bible / Biblia: We are learning about the milagros (miracles) and parábolas (parables) of Jesus for the rest of the year! This week we learned what both of these words mean. We also learned about Jesus' first miracle of changing water into wine, his sermon on the mount, and the Padrenuestro (Lord's Prayer).

Reading Tip of the Week

Establish a "family reading time" at the end of the day to wind down, spend time together, and read. Is there a series that you can get into as a family? Some of my kids' favorite series are Magic Tree House, Hombre Perro (Dog Man), A-Z Mysteries, Berenstain Bears (I know, very old school!), and the Mo Willems books.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Are you interested in giving your child more opportunities to practice Spanish this summer? There is still time to sign up for our SI summer camp! It's going to be a blast!

Cultural Connection Celebration

This year we are going to España! We will be celebrating a well loved Spanish story all the way from Spain. We will be putting our own spin on Día de San Jordi. We will celebrate the love of literacy and books! One of the fun activites is book swapping that happens in the streets of Catalonia, Spain. We are going to try it- we need your help! We are asking that each child brings a used Spanish book from home to swap with another SI studentWe are asking that your child bring in their book by Wednesday, April 24th. Please let us know if you need any help with this. 

Barn Chores: I am looking for two parent volunteers who are available Tuesday morning to be barn chores helpers. Let me know if you are available--gracias!

Tulip Time: Kindergarteners do not march in the Tulip Time parade--just 1st-4th graders! We will have a half day the day of the Kinderparade. :)

BOOK FAIR COMING SOON! Dear Parents and Families: Get ready! New books to encourage your student's love for reading are coming! Here's what you need to know about our upcoming Book Fair: Dates: April 24-26 from 11 am - 4 p.m. at the Intersection in Rose Park!

  • Every dollar you spend will benefit our school library directly! This is our only fundraiser to add new books to the library. Last year our library gained 300 new books because of this fundraiser! 

You can sign up for Book Fair eWallet —a convenient digital payment account, so your child can shop the Fair cash-free. Grandparents, friends, and others can contribute to the eWallet to help build your home library. To sign up, link to the Book Fair Homepage and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Enjoy more photos from our week below. Have a great weekend!

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