Another great week is in the books! Despite our snow day on Monday (what a wonderful gift!), it feels like we were so busy--and I know this won't stop for the whole month of December! During this busy time, try to stop and reflect on the reason for this Christmas season. Isn't it amazing that God loved us so much that He came down to earth in the form of a child--a helpless baby? Every year there is something special to reflect on as we celebrate Jesus's birth.
Here's an update on our week at school.
Our Week
This week we talked more about Moisés and how he led the Israelitas into the desierto after they were finally set free. We learned about how God provided for them in many ways--by parting el mar rojo, by leading them in a cloud (nube) by day and a pillar of fire (fuego) by night, and by giving them the miracles of maná, codornices, and agua de la roca. We talked about how God always provides for our needs and how we can pray to Him when we need something. Next week we'll get into the season of Advent and start learning the Christmas story!
On the note of God providing, remember to encourage your child to give his/her blessing bag (bolsa de bendición) to a person that might need or appreciate it. I'm excited to hear about their stories!
This week we studied the syllables la, le, li, lo, lu. The students are getting more and more confident as they decode, read, and write words and phrases. Please continue reading and working on your child's book bag at home. I stapled them into the kids' folders so they wouldn't get lost under all the snow stuff in their backpacks!
This week we've been working on understanding the difference between sustantivos (nouns) and adjetivos (adjectives). We also read a book about sueños (dreams) and wrote about a funny dream we had, incorporating adjectives and nouns into our writing. We're also working on using skills like capital letters at the beginning, periods at the end, and spaces between our words.
For several weeks now, we've been practicing the concept of más uno (plus one). Now, we've started learning menos uno (minus one). We've learned songs to remember the equations, and we're starting to practice writing them. Also, we did some shape sorts, learned about hexágonos, and made paper Christmas trees with different shapes and colors.
We continued talking about coding this week, remembering how stories follow a sequence--una secuencia. Similarly, when we code, we need to follow a series of steps in the correct order. The kids practiced taking pictures of sequence cards with their iPads, ordering them, and using the coding app Tynker.
Reading Tip of the Week
Encourage your child to make connections to a book you are reading together. Ask questions like, "What would you do if... (fill in with something that happened in the book)?" "Do you think _____ did the right/wrong thing? Why?" If your child is reluctant to share, you can always answer the questions yourself!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Remind your child what a great job he/she is doing by learning a second language! Keep up the positive encouragement!
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
*Thursday, December 13th: Cookie Sale at 10:15am! Thanks for all who volunteered to help out!
*Thursday, December 20th: Class Party from 2-3pm. Don't forget to sign up if you haven't already!
Hmmm, I think that's all for now--at least all I can think of on a Friday evening. ;) Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy time with la familia!