After our busy short week, and before the mad rush in the kitchen ensues, I would like to pause to write to you all briefly. We spent time over the last few days reviewing las sílabas and doing some activities for el día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving). One of the activities included singing the song below, writing the syllables, and listing what we are thankful for.
I'm thankful for a school where our children can learn about Jesus's love for them. I'm thankful for the friendships I see being cultivated every day in our classroom. I'm thankful for YOU, as Rose Park's first immersion families, for walking this journey with me. Thank you for your smiles, prayers, words of encouragement, gifts, and most of all, for entrusting your child in my care this year. I am so thankful for each and every one of my students and for the unique gifts they bring to the classroom.
Let's pause over the next few days and reflect on the many ways God has blessed us, and the many, many things we can be thankful for!
Here are some announcements and reminders for the upcoming, BUSY few weeks before Christmas:
*Please make sure your child brings appropriate outdoor clothes EVERY DAY! We have had students without gloves and/or hats this week. We play outside three times a day, and without warm clothes it sure is cold!
*Please send in a clear vase with your child for a Christmas craft we will do the first week of December. The one pictured to your right is from Dollar Tree.
*The school book fair will take place all of next week (you should have received a flyer with the specific hours). Your child will visit the book fair (in the small gym) on Tuesday afternoon to make a "wish list". This is a great place to buy books for Christmas gifts, and a portion of the proceeds will go directly to our school!
*I know it seems like it's a while away, but Christmas will be here before we know it! Here is a link to our Christmas Party signup. Thank you to those who have signed up to bring food items.
*Thank you to those who have returned library books. Remember that Wednesdays are our library days, so please bring your books back before then! (We did not have a chance to go today but will go next Wednesday.)
Thank you, familias, and enjoy your día de Acción de Gracias!
Here are some photos of our week (my mother-in-law is here visiting so you'll see a couple pictures of her doing activities with the kids--which was a lot of fun!):
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