Our classroom was overflowing with excitement today with a visit from author John Rocco, our first class birthday, the first snow of the season, and, well, the general excitement that I just love about kindergarten! We had a great week full of fun and learning. Read an update on our week below as well as some important announcements at the end of this post!
Our Week
In Bible this week, we started learning about Moisés and how God used him to deliver his people--los Israelitas. We talked about how they were esclavos in Egipto and how Moises's mother hid him in a canasta. The kids made a couple of crafts that also provided some fine motor skill practice, one of el bebé Moisés and another one of el arbusto en llamas (the burning bush). Next week we'll talk more about Moises's encounters with Faraón.
Our new syllables this week were na, ne, ni, no, nu. We have been enjoying learning new vocabulary as we strengthen our reading skills by putting syllables together. The kids are doing a great job with this!
**NOTE: Your child received a book bag in his/her backpack. Please review at least one book a day! Expect to see new books added each week, so please keep it in your child's backpack or folder.
This week in writing, we have been working on weather vocabulary--an appropriate topic, what with so many changes in the weather over the last few days! The students talked and wrote about weather that they like and whether that they don't like. We have been working hard on identifying the sounds in words using a sound chart (pictured at right). I have enjoyed seeing the students write more and more words using the sounds they know! It is an exciting process!
We have started to focus more on numbers 11-20 this week. We are identifying the numbers as having patterns of diez más ___ (ten plus ____). We've also been working on telling number stories (cuentos de números) using pictures, words, and manipulatives.
Immersion Tip of the Week
Typically for a new vocabulary word to "stick", students learning a new language need to hear it between 40 and 60 times. When the word is repeated across different contexts (e.g. in reading and math), it's more likely that the child will remember the word. In our classroom, we are constantly reviewing and practicing our vocabulary in different ways; for example, through a song, with an action, or using a visual cue.
Reading Tip of the Week
When reading with your child from their book bag, remind them to follow along with their eyes and fingers. Ask questions about the pictures in the books!
Class Christmas Party
It is already November and time to start thinking about our class Christmas party! The date for our party will be Thursday, December 20th from 2:00-3:00pm. Your family is invited to join us for a special time of singing, crafts, and of course, eating! Here are a couple of specific notes:
*Your child will participate in a $3 gift exchange. Bring a wrapped gift for a boy/girl (boys will give to boys and girls to girls).
*I am asking parents to participate by bringing in a cultural food item to share. Please see more details on our signup sheet here!
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
*Wednesday, November 14: Return library books
*Wednesday, November 21: Half day
*Thursday, November 22/Friday, November 23: No school--Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Enjoy some pictures from our week below:
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