Sunday, May 19, 2019

13-17 de mayo

¡Hola familias!

Another busy week has flown by, and the end is in sight on the horizon as we start to count down the final 2 weeks of school! Wow! One of the highlights from this past week was the opportunity our class had to lead the ENTIRE Holland Christian student body in the song Rey de Mi Corazón during our all-school convocation. As usual, they rose to the occasion with great enthusiasm and did an amazing job! I am so proud of these little champs! Another highlight for me was celebrating my birthday (the 15th) with these great kids. They gave me so much love and insisted that we have a celebración especial--what a wonderful gift for me to be their teacher!

Here are some more updates on our week:

Bible: We continued to learn about some of Jesus's parábolas y milagros. First, we learned the story of las 2 casas (here is the song we learned about it, which you'll recognize--yes, the voice in the video is kind of ridiculous!). Then, we learned about how Jesus made the blind man see. We had a beautiful opportunity to talk about how God sometimes uses our circumstances--sickness, hardship, difficulties--for His glory and to help other people learn about Him! We wrapped up the week with the story of Jesus making la moneda appear in the mouth of a fish!

Reading: We have been reviewing las vocales (the vowels) this past week and will continue to do so next week. I'll also be assessing all of the kids' reading levels, and we will take the MAP reading and math tests. A big THANK YOU to everyone who signed up for the Summer Slide program--I believe the whole class got on the list! It will be an awesome way for your child to keep reading over the summer. I can't encourage this enough!

Writing: In writing, we've been discussing las opiniones and working on using reasons (the word porque, or "because") to tell why we think something. The kids enjoyed playing games in which they shared their opinions and doing lots of practice writing about them. I hope you had a chance to look at our class book--the kids were SO excited about these!

Math: We learned to play the game Guerra (War) this week using ten-frame cards as we compared which number was greater (mayor) and which was less (menor). We also did some workbook activities comparing numbers and practiced counting from 1-100 with a partner.

Immersion Tip of the Week

The kids have been really interested in looking at the world map we have in the classroom, especially since we have been blessed to receive guests from many different countries this year (Mexico, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and maybe another one in the next week--we'll see!). Ask your child if he/she can find one of these countries. Show your child how many countries speak español, and talk about how cool it is that your child will be able to talk to people from so many places!

Reading Tip of the Week
Since Spanish is your child's second language, the skill of identifying a word by context clues is very important. You can help your child develop this skill in English, too! Try something like this: if your child asks what a word means, give them an example of the word in a sentence rather than just telling the answer. For example:
Child: "What does the word 'vacant' mean?"
Parent: "Well, at night the school is vacant because everyone goes home. What do you think the word means?"

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Wednesday, May 22nd: Zoo field trip to Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park! Please have your child bring a sack (cold) lunch that day. We will leave at 8:30am and return sometime between 2 and 2:30 in the afternoon.

*Monday, May 27th: Memorial Day: No School

*Wednesday, May 29th: Field Day, 12:30-3:00pm

*Friday, May 31st: Last Day of School, 1/2 day

*Saturday, June 1st: End of Year Fiesta! We hope everyone can make it! Please see details and sign up to bring a food item here.

Excited to see you tomorrow for our last full week of school! Enjoy some photos below!

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