Friday, May 10, 2019

6-10 de mayo

¡Hola Familias! 

¡Feliz día de las Madres! In Mexico, Mother's Day is always celebrated on May 10th, while here in the US we celebrate it the second Sunday of May. Whenever you celebrate, I hope all of you moms out there have a wonderful day! :)

We had a great week and it almost felt like we were getting back on a normal schedule today! The week was full of fun events, which I'll try to highlight them below:

*We led our school in worship during Wednesday's chapel service. The kids, as always, did a fantastic job!

*We had a beautiful, Christ-centered field trip to Bill's Greenhouse, where we learned about how God created many different kinds of flowers and completed our Mother's Day presents. (We hope you like them!)

*We enjoyed visitors who talked to us about Ecuador and Puerto Rico, and we got to learn about salsa and mambo music and drink some agua de coco! What a treat!

*We enjoyed watching our first grade friends scrub the streets and perform Dutch dancing!

*We practiced writing about our opiniones and explaining why we prefer one thing to another.

*We practiced forming numbers with decenas (10s) and unidades (1s), telling each other number stories and illustrating them, finding the missing part of a number, and doing lots of sumas y restas!

Immersion Tip of the Week

Listen to some música in Spanish this weekend! We've really enjoyed listening to 123Andrés since going to his concert a few weeks ago. Music is a great way to learn new language!

Reading Tip of the Week

Again, I encourage you to sign your child up for the Summer Slide program to keep his/her reading up this summer. Check out the info here

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Tuesday, May 14th: End of Year Convocation at High School, 9:00am. You are welcome to join us there!

*Wednesday, May 22nd: Field trip to the Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park. We'll leave at 8:45 and arrive back at school between 2:00 and 2:30. It will be a great day!

*Monday, May 27th: Memorial Day--No School

*Wednesday, May 29th: Field Day 12:30-3:00pm

*Friday, May 31st: Half day--Last Day of School!

*Saturday, June 1st: End of School FIESTA at the Alejos's house! 5-8pm. Sign up to bring food items here!

Interested in meeting up during the summer? Please fill out the form here if you haven't already!

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy the end of Tulip Time! 

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