Friday, November 15, 2019

11-15 de noviembre

¡Hola Familias!

I am so excited to hear so much español in our classroom! I've started raising expectations by encouraging students to speak 100% Spanish in the classroom, and they are doing a great job! 

We had another great week (and I'm sure everyone enjoyed our surprise snow day on Tuesday too!). On Monday, we had the privilege of inviting two veteran papás to come in and share with our SI first graders and kindergarteners--¡muchas gracias! We also had lots of visitors this week, including several SI high school students who came to play games and speak Spanish with the kids. It sure was busy! Here's more of what we've been up to:

Bible / Biblia: We learned about Josué, Caleb, and the battle of Jericó. We also learned about the brave leader Débora and how the Israelites finally made it to the Promised Land. We're also starting to practice songs for our Christmas Concert--we can't wait!

Reading / Lectura: This week we focused on the syllables ta, te, ti, to, tu and found these syllables in words. We also started working on recording our voices reading stories on the Raz-Kids app. Finally, we studied the difference between sustantivos (nouns) and adjetivos (adjectives).

Writing / Escritura: We have been learning some less common emotion words, such as emocionado/a (excited) and aburrido/a (bored). The students have been writing about times when they experienced those feelings. It's so exciting to hear how much their language has developed when they tell these stories!

Math / Matemáticas: We've been practicing +1 and -1 patterns, story problems, number writing, and creating numbers with manipulatives.

Immersion Tip of the Week
I challenge you to find a time or a way for your child to hear Spanish outside of school this week! Could you play music in Spanish at home? Get together with someone who speaks Spanish? Attend a Spanish-speaking church service? Visit a place where Spanish might be spoken (e.g. a restaurant, a grocery store, etc.)? Help your child remember that it's not only a language, it's a part of life! Also, please don't forget to complete your follow-up activity for our cultural field trip to the bakery! Thank you to those who have done so already!

Reading Tip of the Week
Go on a "scavenger hunt" for letters and sounds as you drive somewhere in your car. Ask your child, "Can you find the letter/sound ___?" Many sounds in Spanish are the same (or similar to) those in English, but others are different. Ask your child to teach you some letter names or sounds in Spanish!

Upcoming Dates to Remember/Announcements

*Wednesday, November 20th: SI Potluck dinner! We're excited to share stories, eat together, and talk about our vision for the SI program. Bring a friend! Kids welcome! Sign up here to bring a side.

*Wednesday, November 27th: Half Day (11:30 dismissal)

*Thursday/Friday, November 28/29: No School; Happy Thanksgiving!

*Thursday, December 5th: SI Christmas Concert; 6pm at Rose Park. We're excited to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season en español! An offering will be collected for the purchase of books for our classrooms. 

Cookie Sale: You should have received two (green and blue) papers with information on our Kindergarten Cookie Sale to raise money for World Vision. Please send back the blue paper letting us know how you can help for this fun event. Or, you may simply sign up here!

Christmas CraftWould you please send your child with a clear vase (something like this one, with around a 6" diameter or wider) for your child to make a Christmas craft? Please send one by NEXT Friday, November 22nd.

That's all for now! Enjoy some pictures from this week (special thanks to Abi Rodriguez for the beautiful photos of our Veteran's Day activity!):

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