Friday, November 1, 2019

28 de octubre - 1 de noviembre

¡Hola Familias!

Wrapping up a whirlwind week! We are busy, busy, busy in the classroom, as you can probably tell by your child's folder. ;) Please read the whole update for lots of important information! Here's what we've been up to this week...

Bible/Biblia: We learned about how Moisés parted el Mar Rojo--with God's help, of course! We also learned how God led the Israelites through the desert with the pillar of fire by night and the cloud by day, and how he provided for their needs. Our God is so good!

Reading/Lectura: We've been reading in small groups (remember to check your child's book bag!) and learning strategies for reading, such as pointing to the words with our fingers, looking at the pictures, and using the first sound to figure out the word. We also practiced the syllables sa, se, si, so, su this week.

Writing/Escritura: Much of our writing time was spent with our Little Read book, El gallo que no se callaba! We enjoyed some great activities around this book, such as learning new vocabulary, writing and drawing about our favorite part, writing about how we can use our voices, and creating Mexican folk art "hojalata" with our buddies. We also enjoyed a performance of this book put on by a  Hope College dance group!

Math/Matemáticas: This week we did more practice with 5-groups and are also starting to look at the ten-group in teen numbers. We've been enjoying playing math games too!

Social Studies: We read a book about an autumn walk and talked about everything we see around us in el otoño. 

Immersion Tip of the Week

Immersion in a second language can be overwhelming, and these kids are champs! Let them know what a great job they are doing. I was talking with my daughter, Anaiah, this week about how I didn't know Spanish at her age, and her papi didn't know English. Learning another language breaks down so many barriers, and it is an amazing gift for your child! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this language journey. 

Reading Tip of the Week
Have your child read to you this week from his/her book bag! We've been adding some books to the bag. Be impressed with your child's growing reading skills!

Also, please see a pink paper in your child's folder for instructions for you to log into Raz-Kids at home. This award-winning reading app has a HUGE library of Spanish leveled books, and your child will be using this resource at school (and hopefully at home!) to grow in reading.

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

*Thursday, November 7th: Field trip to Ramirez Bakery! We're planning to take the kids on different "cultural experience" field trips this year to show them how the Spanish language is used in our community and to help connect families with some of this local culture. Please send $1 for your child to help bake and purchase a cookie that day. There will also be a follow-up activity for you to do with your child--stay tuned for the details!

*Wednesday, November 20th: Spanish Immersion Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting. Details to come!

*Thursday, December 5th: Spanish Immersion Christmas Concert! This event will be put on by preschool, kindergarten, and first grade SI classes. We'll be taking an offering to raise money for books in Spanish for our classrooms. 

Thanks for reading! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. Have a great weekend!

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