We've had another exciting week of kindergarten! THANK YOU so much for your prayers, emails, texts, and words of encouragement when I was out sick this week with my daughter! I was proud of the kiddos for doing a great job with different subs, and it is great for me to be back in the classroom again!
Here's what we've been up to this week:
Bible/Biblia: We learned about los diez mandamientos (the 10 Commandments) that Moisés received on Monte Sinaí. We also learned how the Israelitas disobeyed God by making a golden calf, and how they had to wander for 40 years more in desierto after 10 spies were afraid to go into the Promised Land. Through all these stories, we remember how much God loves us despite the bad things we do. Isn't that wonderful to remember?
Reading/Lectura: We learned the syllables na, ne, ni, no, nu and continued reading different books during guided reading time. We are also learning the difference between singular and plural words.
Writing/Escritura: This week we talked about our emotions and wrote about different times when we felt feliz, triste, enojado, asustado, etc. Ask your child about the writing he/she took home!
Math/Matemáticas: We have been working with groups of 5s and 10s, the +1 pattern, seeing patterns in numbers, and los triángulos!
Social Studies/Estudios Sociales: This week to learn about nuestra comunidad (our community), we went on a field trip to Panadería Ramirez (Ramirez Bakery). It was so much fun to make cookies with Sr. Martin and to learn more about Mexican sweet bread! Please complete the follow-up activity (a green paper in your child's folder) over the next two weeks.
Immersion Tip of the Week
Reading Tip of the Week
When reading with your child from their book bag, remind them to follow along with their eyes and fingers. Ask questions about the pictures in the books!
Announcements/Upcoming Dates to Remember
Tuesday, November 11th: I will be out for an add.a.lingua training.
Come eat and come share your story!
On November 20, at 6pm join us in sharing a meal and learning more about what is happening and what the future planning of our Spanish Immersion program will look like. We would love for you to invite a friend or family member that might be interested or just curious about what we are all about.
Bring a dish that maybe has a fun, interesting or heartwarming story to share throughout the night (sign up here). For example, "I like to bring apple pie, because it reminds me of Thanksgiving!". Come and share with us!!! Hope to see you there!!
Spanish Immersion Christmas Program
On December 5th from 6:30-7:30pm we will have our first EVER Spanish Immersion Christmas program. We are excited to have ALL our Spanish Immersion friends, from 3 year old preschoolers to 1st graders together to sing songs, read the story of our precious Savior and enjoy each other's company. Please feel free to invite family and friends to join in on this special night. We will take donations that night for Spanish Books for our classrooms.
Lunches and Snacks
I've noticed that some students are bringing lots of candy into school for lunches and/or snacks. If you pack your child candy, please only pack 1 per day, and NOT for snack time. I myself feel kind of sick after eating lots of candy, and it's not the most conducive to learning. Thank you for packing healthy lunches and snacks!
Winter Gear
It almost feels like this winter weather came out of no where! We do have a supply of mittens and snow pants in the office but the supply has not been able to meet the demand of needs :) Please outfit your children for the cold weather as outdoor play is important for1 their little bodies. If you need assistance, contact Diane or Carla. We will be happy to help!
The change: In the past, many teachers have walked kids ALL the way down to the end of the sidewalk. Moving forward teachers will only walk children to the end of the loading zone - following the white line painted on the sidewalk. (The zone ends near the large maple tree in the landscape just before the standing stone - there is also a sign marking the end line.) So, if your car is behind the line, I'll load your child up in "round two" of loading.
With all teachers dismissing at 3:15, and also with the first wave of cars loading and moving more efficiently, perhaps we will not have as large of a bottle-neck as cars leave to turn onto Butternut - an added bonus to us adhering to the loading zone guidelines! Thank you for your patience!
Lunches and Snacks
Winter Gear
It almost feels like this winter weather came out of no where! We do have a supply of mittens and snow pants in the office but the supply has not been able to meet the demand of needs :) Please outfit your children for the cold weather as outdoor play is important for1 their little bodies. If you need assistance, contact Diane or Carla. We will be happy to help!
We talked Wednesday as a staff about how to make the Pick-up Carpool Line even more efficient for you as parents - honoring your valuable time. I wanted to give you a quick heads up of what you can expect as we load up your children! As teachers, we're going to work diligently to have all of the school children outside at dismissal - 3:15pm. Upon dismissal I'll still walk children down the sidewalk looking for you in the loading zone, and if we see you, I'll direct your child to your car.
The change: In the past, many teachers have walked kids ALL the way down to the end of the sidewalk. Moving forward teachers will only walk children to the end of the loading zone - following the white line painted on the sidewalk. (The zone ends near the large maple tree in the landscape just before the standing stone - there is also a sign marking the end line.) So, if your car is behind the line, I'll load your child up in "round two" of loading.
With all teachers dismissing at 3:15, and also with the first wave of cars loading and moving more efficiently, perhaps we will not have as large of a bottle-neck as cars leave to turn onto Butternut - an added bonus to us adhering to the loading zone guidelines! Thank you for your patience!
Enjoy these photos from the week!
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