¡Hola Familias!
We sure had a jam-packed short week! We had a great time at mi casa on Thursday for breakfast and had fun engaging in creative play together. We've also continued to learn a lot! More details below:
Biblia / Bible: We learned about how after Salomón, king Acab did not listen to God. We also learned about the profeta Elías (Elijah) and how he showed that our God is more powerful than Baal. It's amazing to think that the same God watches over us today! I encourage you to ask your child about what he/she is learning in Bible, and to enjoy these stories at home together. :)
Lectura / Reading: This week we learned about the letter q and its friend u. We studied different words with c, k, and qu in Spanish. We also learned about how verbs change in Spanish depending on the person we're talking about.
Matemáticas / Math: This week we continued reinforcing numbers 11-20, finding 5-groups in numbers, and counting from 1-100. We're excited about el centésimo día coming up!
Announcements / Upcoming Dates to Remember
*Tuesday, January 28th: Field trip to GR Lollipops Concert. We'll leave around 10am and arrive back at school around noon.
*Friday, January 31st: 100th Day of School! Would you be willing to help us with a special 100s Day snack? Here is a signup!
*Friday, January 31st: Scholastic Orders Due! Check out some amazing titles available from Scholastic this month from Club Leo, including La Frontera and Soñadores/Dreamers, two of the books I read with the class last month before our service project with the Bethany kids. Place your order here!
*February Fun Fridays at Rose Park
Join us for Fun Fridays for the month of February!
-Friday Feb 21: Pajama Day
-Friday Feb 28: Silly Socks and Hat Day
-Friday Feb 28: Silly Socks and Hat Day
Fun Night Date Change: Since our school-wide blog was published last week, our Fun Night date has been moved. We would like to allow as many students and families as possible to attend our Kid Stuff Resale on the previous date. Please note: the Kid Stuff Resale will be held on Saturday, March 7. Our Family Fun Night will be held at Rose Park on Friday, March 20. More details forthcoming!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Your child brought home some writing samples this week. Ask your child to read one or two to you and to talk about what he/she wrote and drew. I hope you will be impressed with how far your child has come in the area of writing!
Reading Tip of the Week
You already know that reading to your child is critically important, but did you also know that talking to your child is just as important? When we engage in conversation, we model language, taking turns, eye contact, listening behaviors, comprehension, and good manners. Take some time to talk to your child this weekend. Ask about his/her favorite activities in school, games to play on the playground, or just play together!
I think that's all for now! Have a great weekend, y hasta el lunes!
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