Friday, January 10, 2020

6-10 de enero

¡Hola Familias!

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Even though we've only been back for a week, it feels like we've done so much! We had a great week back--here are some of the highlights:

El Día de Reyes: this holiday is celebrated in Spain and most Latin American countries on January 6th. On our first day back from break, we had a great time with our 1st grade friends eating some Rosca de Reyes and doing fun reading and math activities related to the holiday. We also put out our shoes in the hallway and the Reyes visited us and left us candy! 

Grupitos: Our small group time in the library has been very successful thus far! We have been making some minor tweaks, but overall it has been a GREAT way to start the morning. In working together, we are able to deliver rigorous, focused instruction to meet ALL levels of our students.

Chapel: We had an amazing chapel service on Wednesday! Be sure to check out the videos. Thank you for coming to worship with us!

Bible/Biblia: We've jumped back to the Old Testament and started learning about Saúl, Israel's first rey, as well as David.

Reading/Lectura: Our syllables of the week were fa, fe, fi, fo, fu. Students were able to produce LOTS of words with these syllables! We've also been learning to differentiate between sustantivos (nouns) and verbos (verbs). 

Writing/Escritura: We wrote about our vacations, our chapel service, and made mini-books with verbs. We have also been practicing revising our work, making sure we can read it when we're done!

Math/Matemáticas: This week we studied how we can use las formas (shapes) to make designs and to cover other shapes. It's been fun to manipulate and use our imaginations with círculos, rectángulos, cuadrados, triángulos, y hexágonos.

Social Studies: We talked about the difference between things that yo quiero (I want) and things that yo necesito (I need).

Reading Tip of the Week
Try introducing your child to a new book series. Some of our favorites are Henry and Mudge, the Berenstain Bears, or the Magic Tree House books. If you aren't sure where to start, visit the library and try out some different ones!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Do you have Netflix or Hulu? Does your child have a favorite show or series? Try changing the language to Spanish this week! Or, search for some videos in Spanish on YouTube. Peppa Pig en español or Pocoyo is a great place to start.

Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Tuesday, January 14th: Preschool and Kindergarten Discovery Night (if you have a child entering preschool and/or kindergarten next year)

*Monday, January 20th: NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Day

*Thursday, January 23rd: Desayuno con la Maestra! Drop off your child at my house at 8:00am (I'll send info/directions a couple days before)! We'll have breakfast together, play some games, and then take the bus back to school at 10:00. If you would like to come and help out with games/breakfast/cleaning, please let me know! Parents are more than welcome! 

*Friday, March 6th: Family Fun Night at Rose Park

*Spirit Fridays and Wacky Wednesdays at Rose Park: Join us for Spirit Fridays for the month of February! Wear your Maroon and White gear to celebrate our school.

In February we will also have Wacky Wednesdays:
Wednesday Feb 5: Crazy Hair
Wednesday Feb 12: Crazy Sock and Hat
Wednesday Feb 19: Pajama Day
Wednesday Feb 26: Career Day

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