Friday, March 27, 2020

22-27 de marzo

¡Hola Familias! 

It was SO good to be able to see and talk with each one of you, as well as spend a few minutes talking to so many students! I miss them all very much, but I am also SO glad that they are at home and safe at this time. And of course, I could not begin to express my appreciation for each one of you for all of the time you are putting into helping your child keep moving forward! 

I'll keep this blog post brief, but I wanted to mention a few things as we go into our next week of e-learning and the week before Spring Break.

Next Week
You may have noticed that your child's packet ran out! Please provide him/her with blank or lined paper for our work next week. I'll walk the kids through each activity and continue to post objectives in English for the parents every day!

Libro de la Resurrección Project / Other Easter Project
I had an idea about creating a collaborative e-book as a class based on our Libro de la Resurrección that the children have been illustrating for Bible class. I'll explain it briefly now, but I'll also send an email out next week with more details.

My idea is for each student to read, or talk about, one page from the book/eggs they've been illustrating. They will record their video and I will compile them into one "story". Then I will share the video with all of you! As I said before, I'll send more details on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Also, I'd love to make a cross Easter craft with the kids on Thursday during our Bible lesson! Would you please help your child find two sticks, some string (or a twist-tie), and some clay or Play-doh? He/she can also decorate the clay/cross with plastic flowers, plants, Easter "grass", or something else! 

Splash Learn
In addition to working with pencil and paper next week, I would also like the kids to use an app called Splash Learn. We've used it in class and they love it! 

1. Use an iPad if possible; I've had a little trouble with this app on my phone! 

Go to the App store and type in "SplashLearn"
You will see this logo:

Click on "Get" and it will start downloading. 

2. Once the app is downloaded, look in the upper right hand corner and click on "Already Registered?" DON'T click "Get Started"; it's a little hard to navigate back after that!

3. Click on the "Class" button

4. Enter the class code: EDFMIT

5. Click on your child's name

6. Click on the picture of the red die

7. Whenever your kiddo logs on to the app, he/she will see a balloon that says "My To-Dos." They will tap on the balloon and then tap the button that says "Empezar" to start the assignment.

Let's Find Out Magazine
In our classroom, we've been using Let's Find Out magazines all year. They are cute, high-interest, and have fun online activities too! Here is the link to access these magazines, games, and fun videos around different themes! (See instructions below.)

That's all for now, familias! Let me know if I can support you in any way over the next week of learning. Have a wonderful, safe, healthy, and fun weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2020

16-20 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

Well, do I even need to say that it has certainly been a different kind of week?! As our world is, and continues to be, shaken up every day--sometimes every hour--as we try to digest the coronavirus situation, sometimes we give in to fear. I know I have, plenty of times this week. Fear that life will never be the same. Fear for loved ones who are elderly, sick, or exposed. Fear for my own family. Fear for our community. In the face of fear, it is difficult to think clearly, to move forward, to be strong for our children. But despite this inertia, God has a lot to say about fear...

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.

Isaiah 43:31 But now, this is what the Lord says--he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine."

Psalm 94:19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

Even in this moment, God is with us, watching over us, and in control. Even though we may not know what tomorrow will bring, we can trust in Him. I don't know where your mind and soul is at today, but maybe you needed to read that--I sure did! (Here are some more verses you might want to look over about fear in the Bible.) is that homeschooling going?! :) I have a couple of things I'd love to go over with you, so please keep reading below...

How do you feel?
I know that this has been an overwhelming week in many ways. How have you felt with your child's workload this week? Do you feel like it is feasible for one day? Do you have any suggestions or thoughts? Please let me know by filling out this survey HERE.

What's working over here...
OK, I am by no means an expert in homeschooling, but here are some thoughts and ideas that I've been using at my house with my 2 kids...
-We have a few "designated Spanish times" (e.g. during lunch, during school time) and try to keep the kids answering/talking in Spanish (with mixed success)
-We have a schedule on the fridge (nothing fancy, just a piece of paper in a sheet protector with boxes to check off each day) that we sort of stick to... basically we do academic work in the morning, then a long break outside, lunch, then a more free afternoon.
-While my kids LOVE staying in their pajamas all day, I'm making them change right after breakfast. It gives them (and me) the sense that we're still "doing something" that day. (plus I'm trying to wash all of our clothes/pjs more often!)
-I've dug up some fine motor activities (e.g. tweezers with beads, necklace making, handwriting pages, painting) that the kids like to do either first thing in the morning or later in the afternoon.
-We started using a behavior system so they kids can earn stars or X's. When they earn 5 stars, they get to choose a show/movie to watch or a special treat; when they get 5 X's, there's a consequence (hasn't happened yet; the threat is enough!).

This is definitely not to say that I have it all together--I've definitely had my moments of frustration, tantrums (um...the kids not me), and craziness! If you have a system that's really working for you, I'd love to hear about it too! :)

Unfortunately, our parent-teacher conferences scheduled for next week have been cancelled. However, I have created a signup (HERE) if you would like to have a virtual conference. It will probably be different from normal--usually I'd have a form and student work that I give you, but this time it will be more of a Q&A style--but in any case, I would love to offer the option. 

I've been hoping to set up FaceTime opportunities to talk with the kids, but in order to make it logistically simpler, I would LOVE to talk to your child for 5-10 minutes before our conference (and in so doing not have to plan 2 separate times!). Would that work for you?

Also, you are all amazing, gracious families, but just a reminder that I am also a mom and a wife, so I cannot 100% guarantee that little faces won't pop up on the screen during our conversation. ;)

(Virtual) Cultural Field Trips
Are you looking for more opportunities for your child and/or family to hear more Spanish from home? Here are a few ideas for some "cultural field trips" you can take while sitting on your couch!
-123Andrés: He will be performing live concerts via YouTube, Facebook and Instagram every Wednesday and Sunday at 5pm, and every Thursday at 11am. Check out his YouTube page here to subscribe or learn more.
-Engedi Español: Our church service will be broadcast live on Facebook at 11am on Sunday. Alternatively, you may find videos of the service on their Facebook page and stream them whenever you'd like to watch them!

Whew... I think that's all for now! I'll be working this weekend on more lessons, so check your inboxes Monday mornings! ¡Hasta luego familias!

Friday, March 13, 2020

9-13 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

As I sit and ponder what I can write down about this week--a week that began normally and ended with last-minute decisions, unprecedented action, and whirlwinds of emotions as we enter into an uncertain future--I am reminded of the lesson I taught in Bible today.

Today we had as normal a day as possible--of course, there was quite a bit of running around as we teachers scrambled to put together learning packets for the kids to take home! But in our classroom, we sang, played instruments, read together, spoke in Spanish, and prayed together. When it came to our Bible lesson, I must admit that I had not had a minute to plan the story for the day! I opened the Bible to where we left off and found the story of Jesus talking to the multitudes, telling them, "YOU are more important than the birds of the air! YOU are more important than the flowers of the field! I WILL take care of you!" Reading this with these precious children brought a peace to my heart that I had not felt for several days. Despite the chaos in the world, God IS with us; he NEVER leaves us or forsakes us. 

Here is a quick summary of what we've learned this week, as well as some idea of what to expect over the next few weeks.

Bible / Biblia: We studied Jesus' childhood and early ministry, including when he was lost in Jerusalem, when he chose his disciples, and when he began his teaching.

Reading / Lectura: This week we continued our study of the /k/ sound (c/k/q). I also had a chance to complete running records with all of the kids to see how they are growing in reading.

Writing / Escritura: This week we continued our study of nonfiction books, learning the difference between certeza (fact) and opinión. Then, we practiced "researching" a nonfiction topic (looking at a book of our own choosing), writing facts that we learned, and making these facts into a book.

Math / Matemáticas: We've been practicing lots of 3-dimensional shapes, such as cono, cilindro, esfera, and cubo. The kids have enjoyed creating things with the shapes and being "teachers" to the rest of the class when they make new creations. :)

Science / Ciencias: We started a new unit called Nuestra Tierra (our Earth). We learned how the world is round, not flat, studied maps vs. globes, and examined 3 different types of earth materials (soil, sand, and pebbles). 

What's Coming Up?
Your child brought home a large manila envelope today. Inside, you will find a work packet for 2 weeks, a blue letter to parents, and several other books/activities. Please keep it all together and organized! Your child will use it every day as we continue our learning from home.

My plans are still in the works, but here's what I have in mind so far:

-Every day I will share a video with the kids. It will most likely be shared on YouTube. For simplicity's sake, I will probably make one longer video with 4 "lessons"--reading, writing, Bible, and math. Please do not have your child complete everything all at once; I'll try to make the video with very clear "breaks" between each subject. 

-Your child will use his/her folder of work while watching the video, so please have it handy, along with pencils and crayons/markers.

-Your child has 2 paper books in his/her folder. One book is fiction and one is nonfiction. The books are specifically tailored to your child's reading level. They will be new books for your child, but please sit with your child to practice reading at least one daily

-I will also be assigning DAILY reading tasks using Raz-Kids. I know that a lot of you are already familiar with this app. If you are not, here are the instructions:
         1. Click on link above (
         2. Enter teacher name "klipplopez"
         3. Search for your child's name (he/she should know the password)
         4. Go! You can also download the application on a phone or tablet. Your child will click on the "Assignment" icon (a spaceship) when he/she logs in.

-I am also looking into using some kind of video app so that I can have the kids practice speaking Spanish as well as have some direct communication with them. I'll let you know when I figure out what I'm going to do! :)

-I will also plan on checking in personally with each family at least once a week. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me as well, via text, phone call, or email. I will be available and ready to help with any kind of question or issue!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support, prayers, kind words, and understanding as we begin to trek into unknown territory. Know that you are in my prayers and that I am there if you need anything! I am so grateful for each one of you and I will truly miss your little ones during the next few weeks! 

Enjoy some pictures below, and I will be in touch again soon!

Friday, March 6, 2020

2-6 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

It's been a full and exciting week! We had a wonderful bilingual, combined chapel service with our buddy class on Wednesday when we talked about servant living. We also enjoyed some nice weather outside (and this weekend looks beautiful!). Last but not least, we've been speaking lots and lots of español! Here's a little more about what we've been doing...

Bible / Biblia: This week we've been reviewing Jesus's birth, the visit of the pastores (shepherds) and the reyes magos (wise men) and Simeón y Ana

Reading / Lectura: We practiced the /k/ sound this week, which is made by the letters K, C, and Q(u). We've also been working on Spanish verb forms using the pronouns "yo" (I) and "tú" (you-informal). Make sure you're reading the books your child takes home in his/her book bag each week!

Writing / Escritura: This week we concluded our instructivos (how-to) unit by planning and writing our own how-to books. Now we are starting a new unit studying los libros de no ficción, or nonfiction books. This week we talked about what makes a book nonfiction, as well as the difference between facts and opinions.

Math / Matemáticas: We've been busy learning and playing in matemáticas! This week we started studying 3-dimensional figures and compared them with 2-dimensional ones. We've learned about esferascubos, cones, y cilindros. Can you figure out what they're called in English? Look for examples of these figures around your home!

Immersion Tip of the Week

I subscribe to some different Spanish/bilingual teacher blogs, and through one of these I just found a cool app called MamaLingua. It's kind of like a Spanish dictionary, but it's filled with vocabulary and phrases that parents use every day with their kids (e.g. "Are you finished?" "Can you help me?" "Where is your belly button?"). Words and phrases are organized into categories, and you can also play audio for each item. Check it out and see what words and phrases you can learn and practice with your child at home! I bet you'll be impressed with your child's ability to understand the phrases. ;) (fyi: the app can only be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet, not a computer.)

Reading Tip of the Week

Your child took home a baseball "calendar" with the March Reading Challenge. Read 15 minutes a day for at least 20 days, fill in the form, and send it to the address provided to receive your FREE Whitecaps tickets! Sweet deal!

Announcements / Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Tuesday, March 10th: I will be absent on this day at an add.a.lingua observation. Because all of the Spanish Immersion team will be out that day, please plan to drop off your child in our classroom that morning (NOT in the library). Gracias!

*Friday, March 20thRose Park Family Fun Night, 5:30-8:00pm: Fun Night is quickly approaching and Parent Board has been busy getting everything in order for this exciting night.  We would love your help in making this night the best Fun Night ever.  Please consider taking a peek at the two links below for supplies needed for this event. Your generous donations help us keep costs down and allow more families to enjoy the evening. 
*Amazon Wishlist:
*SignUp Genius:
*Parent Board is also looking for 10 parent or grandparent volunteers who are willing to take a shift  monitoring the inflatables in the gym. If you would be willing to help us with this, please email Michelle at Thank you for your continued support! 

*Monday, March 23rd and Wednesday, March 25th: Parent/Teacher Conferences

*Tuesday, March 31st: Spring Program, 6:30-7:30pm 

March is Reading Month!

We are offering an optional reading incentive to all students: Keep track of your usual March reading minutes on the WhiteCaps form. Submit the voucher per instructions on the form for two free tickets to a WhiteCaps game!

That's all for now. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sun!