Friday, March 20, 2020

16-20 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

Well, do I even need to say that it has certainly been a different kind of week?! As our world is, and continues to be, shaken up every day--sometimes every hour--as we try to digest the coronavirus situation, sometimes we give in to fear. I know I have, plenty of times this week. Fear that life will never be the same. Fear for loved ones who are elderly, sick, or exposed. Fear for my own family. Fear for our community. In the face of fear, it is difficult to think clearly, to move forward, to be strong for our children. But despite this inertia, God has a lot to say about fear...

Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.

Isaiah 43:31 But now, this is what the Lord says--he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine."

Psalm 94:19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.

Even in this moment, God is with us, watching over us, and in control. Even though we may not know what tomorrow will bring, we can trust in Him. I don't know where your mind and soul is at today, but maybe you needed to read that--I sure did! (Here are some more verses you might want to look over about fear in the Bible.) is that homeschooling going?! :) I have a couple of things I'd love to go over with you, so please keep reading below...

How do you feel?
I know that this has been an overwhelming week in many ways. How have you felt with your child's workload this week? Do you feel like it is feasible for one day? Do you have any suggestions or thoughts? Please let me know by filling out this survey HERE.

What's working over here...
OK, I am by no means an expert in homeschooling, but here are some thoughts and ideas that I've been using at my house with my 2 kids...
-We have a few "designated Spanish times" (e.g. during lunch, during school time) and try to keep the kids answering/talking in Spanish (with mixed success)
-We have a schedule on the fridge (nothing fancy, just a piece of paper in a sheet protector with boxes to check off each day) that we sort of stick to... basically we do academic work in the morning, then a long break outside, lunch, then a more free afternoon.
-While my kids LOVE staying in their pajamas all day, I'm making them change right after breakfast. It gives them (and me) the sense that we're still "doing something" that day. (plus I'm trying to wash all of our clothes/pjs more often!)
-I've dug up some fine motor activities (e.g. tweezers with beads, necklace making, handwriting pages, painting) that the kids like to do either first thing in the morning or later in the afternoon.
-We started using a behavior system so they kids can earn stars or X's. When they earn 5 stars, they get to choose a show/movie to watch or a special treat; when they get 5 X's, there's a consequence (hasn't happened yet; the threat is enough!).

This is definitely not to say that I have it all together--I've definitely had my moments of frustration, tantrums (um...the kids not me), and craziness! If you have a system that's really working for you, I'd love to hear about it too! :)

Unfortunately, our parent-teacher conferences scheduled for next week have been cancelled. However, I have created a signup (HERE) if you would like to have a virtual conference. It will probably be different from normal--usually I'd have a form and student work that I give you, but this time it will be more of a Q&A style--but in any case, I would love to offer the option. 

I've been hoping to set up FaceTime opportunities to talk with the kids, but in order to make it logistically simpler, I would LOVE to talk to your child for 5-10 minutes before our conference (and in so doing not have to plan 2 separate times!). Would that work for you?

Also, you are all amazing, gracious families, but just a reminder that I am also a mom and a wife, so I cannot 100% guarantee that little faces won't pop up on the screen during our conversation. ;)

(Virtual) Cultural Field Trips
Are you looking for more opportunities for your child and/or family to hear more Spanish from home? Here are a few ideas for some "cultural field trips" you can take while sitting on your couch!
-123Andrés: He will be performing live concerts via YouTube, Facebook and Instagram every Wednesday and Sunday at 5pm, and every Thursday at 11am. Check out his YouTube page here to subscribe or learn more.
-Engedi Español: Our church service will be broadcast live on Facebook at 11am on Sunday. Alternatively, you may find videos of the service on their Facebook page and stream them whenever you'd like to watch them!

Whew... I think that's all for now! I'll be working this weekend on more lessons, so check your inboxes Monday mornings! ¡Hasta luego familias!

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