Friday, March 6, 2020

2-6 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

It's been a full and exciting week! We had a wonderful bilingual, combined chapel service with our buddy class on Wednesday when we talked about servant living. We also enjoyed some nice weather outside (and this weekend looks beautiful!). Last but not least, we've been speaking lots and lots of español! Here's a little more about what we've been doing...

Bible / Biblia: This week we've been reviewing Jesus's birth, the visit of the pastores (shepherds) and the reyes magos (wise men) and Simeón y Ana

Reading / Lectura: We practiced the /k/ sound this week, which is made by the letters K, C, and Q(u). We've also been working on Spanish verb forms using the pronouns "yo" (I) and "tú" (you-informal). Make sure you're reading the books your child takes home in his/her book bag each week!

Writing / Escritura: This week we concluded our instructivos (how-to) unit by planning and writing our own how-to books. Now we are starting a new unit studying los libros de no ficción, or nonfiction books. This week we talked about what makes a book nonfiction, as well as the difference between facts and opinions.

Math / Matemáticas: We've been busy learning and playing in matemáticas! This week we started studying 3-dimensional figures and compared them with 2-dimensional ones. We've learned about esferascubos, cones, y cilindros. Can you figure out what they're called in English? Look for examples of these figures around your home!

Immersion Tip of the Week

I subscribe to some different Spanish/bilingual teacher blogs, and through one of these I just found a cool app called MamaLingua. It's kind of like a Spanish dictionary, but it's filled with vocabulary and phrases that parents use every day with their kids (e.g. "Are you finished?" "Can you help me?" "Where is your belly button?"). Words and phrases are organized into categories, and you can also play audio for each item. Check it out and see what words and phrases you can learn and practice with your child at home! I bet you'll be impressed with your child's ability to understand the phrases. ;) (fyi: the app can only be downloaded on a smartphone or tablet, not a computer.)

Reading Tip of the Week

Your child took home a baseball "calendar" with the March Reading Challenge. Read 15 minutes a day for at least 20 days, fill in the form, and send it to the address provided to receive your FREE Whitecaps tickets! Sweet deal!

Announcements / Upcoming Dates to Remember

*Tuesday, March 10th: I will be absent on this day at an add.a.lingua observation. Because all of the Spanish Immersion team will be out that day, please plan to drop off your child in our classroom that morning (NOT in the library). Gracias!

*Friday, March 20thRose Park Family Fun Night, 5:30-8:00pm: Fun Night is quickly approaching and Parent Board has been busy getting everything in order for this exciting night.  We would love your help in making this night the best Fun Night ever.  Please consider taking a peek at the two links below for supplies needed for this event. Your generous donations help us keep costs down and allow more families to enjoy the evening. 
*Amazon Wishlist:
*SignUp Genius:
*Parent Board is also looking for 10 parent or grandparent volunteers who are willing to take a shift  monitoring the inflatables in the gym. If you would be willing to help us with this, please email Michelle at Thank you for your continued support! 

*Monday, March 23rd and Wednesday, March 25th: Parent/Teacher Conferences

*Tuesday, March 31st: Spring Program, 6:30-7:30pm 

March is Reading Month!

We are offering an optional reading incentive to all students: Keep track of your usual March reading minutes on the WhiteCaps form. Submit the voucher per instructions on the form for two free tickets to a WhiteCaps game!

That's all for now. Have a great weekend and enjoy the sun!

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