¡Hola Familias!
It's been a crazy, fun, and busy week! We've been learning a lot as we play, read, sing, and speak in español together, and I'm thankful for each individual in our class. They are amazing, wonderful, and energetic kids, and they are all doing a fantastic job learning!
Our Week
Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables sa, se, si, so, su. The kids are champs at finding las sílabas everywhere! We've also started guided reading groups. Your child brought home a book bag stapled to his/her folder. Please have your child practice reading this book to you--and expect to see more books come home each week!
Writing / Escritura: We are now in our unit of los sentimientos, or feelings. Especially in these crazy times, I see how much kids NEED to talk about their feelings! We're learning more complicated words beyond feliz (happy) and triste (sad), and this week we've been sharing about times when we've felt emocionado/a (excited), orgulloso/a (proud), avergonzado/a (ashamed), and many more. I encourage you to ask your child to share her/his writing with you at home too!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we've been practicing seeing groups of 5 within a number from 6-10: for example, 6=5+1. The kids traced their hands and fingers to make posters, practiced using number tiles, and used their fingers to practice seeing this pattern.
Bible / Biblia: We started the week by learning how Moisés led the Israelitas into the desierto once they were freed from Egypt, and how God opened the Mar Rojo so they could cross on dry land! Then, we learned about how God provided for the Israelitas by sending them maná, codornices (quail), and agua de la roca. Finally we learned about the Ten Commandments, or los Diez Mandamientos, and why they are important. It's so exciting to study and learn from God's word together!
Science / Ciencias: This week we concluded our 5 sentidos unit with a couple of fun activities! First, we carved a calabaza together--a fun experience for everyone! Then, we practiced using our fine-motor skills to make necklaces with cereal. We especially enjoyed using our sense of taste for this one! ;)
Immersion Tip of the Week
Immersion in a second language can be overwhelming, and these kids are champs! Let them know what a great job they are doing. I've told my kids how I didn't know any Spanish at all when I was their age, and their papi didn't know English. Learning another language breaks down so many barriers, and it is an amazing gift for your child! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this language journey.
Reading Tip of the Week
There are many, many activities you can do to build your child's reading skills, but the most important thing is that you ENJOY it! Take time this weekend to read with your child. If it's not part of your daily routine, I encourage you to find a time to do so. Reading 20 minutes a day yields amazing results (see infographic at right!).