Wednesday, October 21, 2020

19-21 de octubre

 ¡Hola Familias!

We had a whirlwind of a short week, but it sure was busy--and we've been learning a lot! I also really enjoyed having time to talk with all of you, and I am thankful for the technology that allowed us to do so. I want to reiterate, I am SO proud of these kids--they have come so far since the beginning of the year and grown so much! Every day I am thankful for the learning, growth, and of course the fun that takes place in school. :)

Here is what we've been up to this week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned a new syllable: pa, pe, pi, po, pu. We practiced sorting words by syllable, writing the syllable, and identifying the syllable in words all over the classroom! We sure are getting good at finding las sílabas everywhere! We also practiced classifying nouns as singular and plural using the definite articles el and los.

Writing / Escritura: We've been wrapping up our unit on el cuerpo (the body) and practicing incorporating this vocabulary in our writing. Additionally, our focus this week has been adding espacios (spaces) between the words we write so we can read more easily.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we continued practicing comparing numbers, writing numbers, counting quantities, and identifying shapes with lineas rectas (straight lines) and curvas (curves).

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned how Moisés went to Egypt to ask Faraón to free God's people. We learned about the diez plagas that God sent when Faraón didn't listen, and how finally they were freed from slavery. Finally, we learned how God never left his people, and how he led them with una nube en el día (a cloud by day) and un pilar de fuego en la noche (a pillar of fire by night). Our God always takes care of us!

Science / Ciencias: We are concluding our unit on los cinco sentidos, or the five senses. We'll wrap it up with one more fun activity next week!

Reading Tip of the Week
Your child recently brought home books from the library--one in English and one in Spanish (or bilingual). If you don't speak Spanish, help your child look for words or syllables that he/she knows! Don't forget to look at the pictures and talk about what you think is happening in the story! 

Immersion Tip of the Week
Make sure you expose your child to a lot of rich vocabulary in English (and in Spanish, too, if you speak the language!). You can do this by reading, talking about what you see in books, describing pictures, talking about what you see in the supermarket--pretty much any activity you do! This will help your child continue to make connections between languages, as well as strengthen verbal skills. 

Have a wonderful long weekend! I didn't get a chance to take too many photos this week, but here are a few:

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