Friday, October 16, 2020

12-16 de octubre


¡Hola Familias!

Brr... it's getting cold outside! Fall is definitely upon us, and despite the colder weather, we have the opportunity to relish in God's beautiful creation as we observe the changing seasons and fall colors. I lived on the Mexico/Texas border for 8 years, and I REALLY missed the fall--the colors, the crunch of leaves under my feet, even their smell!

Along this same note, we enjoyed some fall activities this week--a beautiful field trip exploring our five senses (and playing!) at Wolter's Woods, and a fun afternoon painting calabazas today!

Here's what else we've been doing this week...

Reading / Lectura: While English reading typically starts with short vowels and CVC words (dog, hat, etc.), Spanish reading is based on las sílabas--or syllables. We started our study of las sílabas with ma, me, mi, mo, mu. We are starting to identify syllables everywhere, and even reading words like mano, mesa, mamá, and more! Check out this video we've been watching during lunchtime with an introduction to these syllables.

Writing / Escritura: This week we've been continuing to practice thinking of a topic, drawing, writing/stretching words, and sharing our work. We've also been focusing on making our writing neat and organized by adding punctuation (punto at the end of a sentence) and espacios between words.

Math / Matemáticas: We have been practicing writing and identifying numbers from 1-10, counting from 1-20, making patterns, and arranging and comparing numbers. We also played a game putting pom poms into egg cartons using clothespins--a great counting AND fine motor skill activity!

Bible / Biblia: This week we finished the story of José! We learned how he forgave his brothers, just as God forgives us when we do the wrong thing. Then, we began the story of Moisés, learning how he was rescued as a baby and later called by God to rescue his people enslaved in Egypt. It has been exciting to teach the kids how God is faithful to His people, la familia de Abraham, throughout the Old Testament.

Science / Ciencias
: We finished our fifth sense--los ojos para mirar, or eyes to see--this week. We did some outdoor exploration at school with toilet paper tube "telescopes" to help us focus on details in nature. Then, we practiced using all of our senses on our field trip on Wednesday!

Immersion Tip of the Week
I am gradually starting to require more and more Spanish to be spoken in the classroom. Remind your child that he/she already has A LOT of vocabulary, even though sometimes he/she won't know the exact word to use. Ask your child how to describe an object in Spanish, using colors, shapes, numbers, and adjectives like big/small, hot/cold, hard/soft, fast/slow, etc. I think you will be impressed!

Reading Tip of the Week
When you read with your child, encourage your child to look for words, vowels, sounds, and/or syllables that he/she knows. As they begin learning to read, the students will become much more aware of print. Call their attention to features of the text in a fun, non-pressured way as you enjoy a book together. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

It's not too late to sign up for a spot if you haven't yet! I look forward to meeting with you next Monday or Tuesday to talk about your child's progress. Please navigate to the Virtual Paragon to find the Zoom link at your scheduled time. Prior to our meeting, I will be sending you a document with your child's progress report and some of his/her work.

No School October 22-23

Enjoy the short week next week! 

Wintry Weather is Coming!

Please remember to send your child with lots of warm, layered clothing as weather gets colder. We spend at least an hour outside every day!

Here are some photos from our week!

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