Friday, October 2, 2020

28 de septiembre - 2 de octubre

 ¡Hola Familias!

As the clouds roll in (and out...and in...) this week and the temperatures drop, we are reminded that winter is on its way! Please remember to have your child bring adequate clothing as the colder weather moves in--we spend lots of time outside each day! 

Here's what we've been up to this busy week:

Reading / Lectura: We are almost through the entire alphabet! We practiced letters U, V, W, X, and Y this week. Next week we'll practice Z on Monday and then start preparing to transition to our guided reading/literacy centers. We also focused our attention on the vowel E and classified nouns as singular and plural.

Writing / Escritura: We've started a new vocabulary unit on el cuerpo (the body). With this theme we do LOTS of games, songs, and Simón dice to practice these words! We've also been practicing the writing process: brainstorming, drawing,  and stretching words to hear and write their sounds.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we started using counters to put numbers 1-10 in order and to identify each one. We've also been practicing seeing the parts within numbers and representing them using colored tiles. Finally, we've identified and practiced drawing and cutting círculos, cuadraros (squares), and rectángulos.

Bible / Biblia
: We finished the story of Jacob y Esaú, learning how Esaú forgave his brother just like Jesus forgives us. Now we are beginning the story of Joseph (José), which is a familiar story to many! We learned how los hermanos de José were jealous of him and threw him in a pozo. We learned how, even after being sold into slavery, Dios was still with José and had great plans for him.

Science / Ciencias: This week we practiced the sense of saborear con la lengua (taste with the tongue). We practiced the vocabulary me gusta/no me gusta (I like/don't like) and did some taste testing of foods to practice dulce (sweet), salado (salty), agrio (sour), and amargo (bitter). It was fun to see the kids' reaction to eating limes, kale, goldfish crackers, chocolate chips, and many more items!

Immersion Tip of the Week
You'll notice that some of Spanish reading instruction looks a little different from English reading instruction--for example, Spanish reading relies heavily on syllable blending. Even though some of the phonics and strategies are different from English, many strategies--such as comprehension of text and using picture clues--are the same and will transfer to English. 

Reading Tip of the Week

Let's keep it simple this week--just READ together! Don't underestimate the power of reading with your child! If you have not already, incorporate reading books into your daily routine. Apart from its academic benefits, it is a wonderful opportunity to slow down and bond with your child!

Field Trip Wednesday!

On Wednesday afternoon of next week we will be going to the Outdoor Discovery Center with Mrs. Bos's kindergarten class! It looks like the weather will be nicer than this week (fingers crossed!), but please have your child dress for the weather!

Mask Mandate

Today (Friday) we practiced using our masks all day. This was a bit tough for some kids, as can be expected. While it is not easy to use masks all day, I am SO grateful for each day that I get to spend teaching these wonderful kids in person. :) I would love it if you could talk with your child about these new expectations over the weekend so she/he'll be prepared for Monday. We'll get used to it--our kids are so resilient!

Grandparents' Day

Next week we will be receiving some (virtual) grandparent visitors in our classroom to read to the kids! We'll also make a simple craft and a video to share with our beloved abuelos. Please make sure you send me the PRINTED photo(s) of your child with his/her grandparent(s) by MONDAY! 

Have a great weekend and enjoy some more photos below!

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