Friday, February 5, 2021

1-5 de febrero

 ¡Hola Familias!

Despite the snow day today, I feel like we've had a 5-day week considering all that we've accomplished! We started the week with some beautiful weather and outdoor learning. To celebrate reaching our January Spanish goal, we had a bonfire on Tuesday--complete with roasting bonbones (marshmallows) and making s'mores! We also had some fun cultural opportunities to try special handmade tamales that are typically enjoyed on February 2nd, el día de la Candelaria in Mexico. Thank you to the Herrera family for making this possible--y muy delicioso! Oh, and of course, crazy hair day too! What a fun and busy week!

Here are more details on this past week at school...

Reading / Lectura: We practiced the syllables ya, ye, yi, yo, yu. These syllables sound the same as those with the letter ll (double L) in Spanish. The kids are doing such a great job developing their vocabulary and hearing syllables! Additionally, this week we practiced using verbs in different forms.

Writing / Escritura: This week we had the chance to make homemade tortillas using maseca, or corn flour. We used an authentic Mexican tortillera to flatten the tortillas, and then we cooked them on a griddle and ate them! We made little books to review how to make tortillas--I encourage you to ask your child about them!

Math / Matemáticas: We did lots of work forming teen numbers this week and noticing the "10" in each teen number. We did this using different objects from the classroom, including cotton balls, craft sticks, and gemstones. It was also a great opportunity to practice teamwork and taking turns!

Bible / Biblia: We reviewed the lesson of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego this week, as well as started to think about our class chapel that is coming up soon. Our topic will be "Nuestro Dios es Grande", or Our God is Big! We brainstormed, wrote, and drew about how big our God is.

Immersion Tip of the Week

Your child has grown SO much in his/her language development this year! Take a moment to encourage your child. There is (always) so much more to learn, but SO much to celebrate!

Reading Tip of the Week

Have you been reading the books in your child's book bags? Take a few out each day and have your child read them. (You are welcome to keep the books at home; they're starting to take up lots of space in their folders!)

Valentine's Day / El día de San Valentín

This is always a fun and special day in kindergarten! We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th. Your child is welcome to bring in valentines with small candies or treats for each student (please no candy with peanuts)

If your child can read his/her classmates' names, feel free to label them. Our class friends are Vivian, Henry, Norah, Kaia, Jolie, Max, Cole, Deborah, Nixon, Isaac, James, John, Travis, Rose, Daymon, Jameson, Victoria, and Claire. If your child has trouble (or if you'd like to make it simpler), you may label each Valentine "Para un amigo; de (your child's name)". :)

Enjoy this snowy weekend!

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