¡Hola Familias!
I have to say, it's been a great week being back every day, with every student in school! The consistency has helped us get back into our rhythm, and I'm seeing some amazing growth in the kids at this point in the year--in reading, math, and in their spoken Spanish! We had a fun and exciting "día de peluche" (stuffy day) today to celebrate reaching our goal for February. What amazing work is going on in our classroom!
Here's what we've been doing this week...
Reading / Lectura: This week we've been exploring the syllables con la J (jota--pronounced "hoe-tah"), which makes a hard, guttural /h/ sound in Spanish. We've also been working on the verb estar used in present continuous form, as in estoy caminando (I am walking), estoy comiendo (I am eating), estoy jugando (I am playing), etc. Finally, we have been deepening our comprehension in read-alouds and making connections with what we read.
Writing / Escritura: We've been practicing using sequence adverbs to retell a story. We did this together with the story of El Mitón (The Mitten), and then the students had a chance to choose their own story and practice retelling the beginning, middle, and end.Math / Matemáticas: We are practicing the parts of numbers, such as 7 = 4 + 3. We've also been working on learning the parts of 10 and using number stories to solve real-world math problems.
Bible / Biblia: This week we finished up the story of Daniel en el foso de los leones, which the kids started when I was out last week. We are also starting to learn the story of Jonás, or Jonah. We're almost done with the whole Old Testament!
Class Chapel
Our class had the privilege of virtually leading a chapel service for Rose Park, Pine Ridge, and South Side this Wednesday. It was fun to put together, and the kids really enjoyed seeing the video of themselves! Here is the link so you can worship with us too.
NEW! Lunch Options
You may have noticed on the March lunch menu that starting Monday, we will have 2 options for lunch! In the morning, I will ask your child if he/she will take option 1 or option 2. Please go over this with your child so that he/she will know which option to take. :)
Parent/Teacher Conferences
I look forward to "meeting" with you virtually for our second round of parent/teacher conferences, which will be on March 29th and March 31st. You will receive a progress report the week prior to our conferences so you can see how your child is progressing. If you have not signed up for a slot already, please head to the Virtual Paragon to do so!
Have a great weekend! Enjoy some more photos from our week below!