Friday, February 19, 2021

16-19 de febrero


¡Hola Familias!

We had a short, but busy week this week! Here is a quick summary of what we've been up to at school...

Reading / Lectura: This week we practiced the syllables ha, he, hi, ho, hu. The letter "H" in Spanish is silent, so words with these syllables have to be memorized! We've also been learning about the word estar in Spanish, which means "to be" when referring to emotion or location. 

Writing / Escritura: We are transitioning from our Instructivos, or How-To unit, to writing about small moments and reacting to stories we read in class. This week we learned how to summarize a story using sequence adverbs primero, después, luego, al final (first, after, next, last). 

Math / Matemáticas: We've been focusing on story problems using real-life scenarios, like shopping at a grocery store. We have also been practicing forming numbers 11-20 as 10s with extra 1s. 

Bible / Biblia: This week we finished working on filming for our chapel video (coming up next week!) and learned about the story of Daniel. Even though it was dangerous, Daniel stood up for what was right and was brave. We can do the same thing!

Social Studies / Estudios Sociales: Our mini-lessons this week included learning about President Abraham Lincoln as well as talking about the words congelado (frozen) and derretido (melted).

Immersion Tip of the Week

Your child may be starting to decode words using Spanish pronunciation, even if the words are in English! This can be fun to listen to, but don't worry about "fixing" your child's pronunciation. You can simply say, "Wow! That's exactly how you'd say it in Spanish! In English we say the sounds like this: ____". Your child will start to unconsciously separate English from Spanish as you continue to read at home and as he/she continues to grow in reading skills. 

Reading Tip of the Week

Speaking of reading, make sure you are reading every day at home! If you do not have a regular "reading routine" (e.g. before bedtime, right after school, etc.), make it a point to establish one--and stick to it! Life can get hectic, but I have to say, as a parent I really enjoy slowing down every evening to read with my kids.

Sorry for the lack of photos this week--with the snow day and my absence on Thursday and Friday, I was only in school one day! 

Looking forward to a normal school week next week! :) 

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