Friday, March 5, 2021

1-5 de marzo

 ¡Hola Familias!

It sure seems like spring is on the horizon! We had a beautiful week with lots of learning and lots of sunshine! Here's what we've been up to...

Lectura / Reading: This week we practiced las sílabas con K. In Spanish, the k, c, and q(u) all make the same /k/ sound. We practiced identifying and writing words as well as reading the syllables. We've also been working on the present continuous verb form, such as yo estoy caminando (I am walking) or tú estás cantando (you are singing). The kids' fluency and ability to produce sentences on their own is growing by leaps and bounds!

Escritura / Writing: We've been continuing to use sequence words to tell the order of a story, but this week we've been practicing telling about something that happened in our lives. First, we brainstormed ideas and chose our favorite one we wanted to write about. Next, we outlined the story using post-it notes. Finally, we wrote and published our work. The kids' writing has grown so much! I am so proud of them for writing multiple sentences and complete stories. :)

Matemáticas / Math
: This week we have continued to practice splitting numbers into their parts and identifying the missing part using games and activities. We have also been practicing counting and writing from 1-100. One activity that kids LOVE to do when they finish their morning work or snack is to try to write from 1-100. Wow!

Bible / Biblia: We have officially finished our study of the Old Testament! After wrapping up Jonás (Jonah) this week, we went back and reviewed some of our favorite Bible stories we've learned this year. We learned how ALL of the stories point towards Jesús, our King and Savior, who came to rescue us from our sins. Isn't the Bible amazing?!

Ciencias / Science: We are beginning a new unit called Mi Tierra, or my Earth. We studied maps and globes this week and learned how the Earth is made up of more agua (water) than tierra (land). 

Immersion Tip of the Week

Ask your child to tell you about his/her favorite thing from school today, or any day next week! Talking about what he/she learned with you in English helps reinforce the concepts. Ask questions to encourage your child to provide details!

Reading Tip of the Week

Create a special "reading place" for your child at home with some big pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. Build a "reading time" into your family routine, both reading with your child or encouraging him/her to read alone!

Easter Activities

Easter is coming up quickly! We are going to do a couple of crafts and activities that will help us to learn more about the Resurrection! Here are a few things I'll need from you:

    1. An empty egg carton filled with 12 plastic Easter eggs

    2. Two sticks, about pinky thickness. One should be longer than the other to form a cross.

If you're able to send these items together in a LABELED plastic bag, that would be wonderful! :) Please send them BY Thursday, March 18th.


Last year was a unique year! If your child was at Rose Park, he/she may or may not have received a baton from the preschool teacher. If you have yours at home somewhere, would you please send it back in? If you could do so by next Friday, March 12th, I would really appreciate it!

From the Kitchen

Rose Park is looking for a 12-15 hour per week lunch prep and serving person. This position is 3-4 days per week, flexible and fast paced. 
If you know of someone wanting to spend time at school, with amazing kids and an amazing schedule please email Nancy McCarthy at

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy more pictures below...

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