Friday, March 12, 2021

8-12 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

We had a beautiful, sunny week! I'm so proud of how much the kids are learning! Here's what we've been doing at school this week...

Lectura / Reading: We've been focusing on the letter c and the sounds ca, co, co (pronounced as the sound /k/) and ce, ci (pronounced as the sound /s/). The kids have done an awesome job distinguishing between these two different sounds. We've also been practicing using the word lo, which in Spanish can be used to replace a noun (much like the word "it" in English).

Escritura / Writing: We have continued to learn how to write about small moments that have a beginning, middle, and end. This week we focused on staying on topic and adding detail to our work. We also presented our work to the class, which was a lot of fun!

Matemáticas / Math: This week we have focused a lot on the parts of numbers. We've also been working on addition and subtraction problems with numbers from 5-10.

Biblia / Bibla: We have started the New Testament and have been re-learning the story of the birth of Christ, including Simeon and Anna meeting the baby Jesus at the temple. We will continue connecting Jesus's birth to his life and ministry, which we'll start next week. :)

Ciencias / Science: Continuing with our unit of Mi Tierra (my Earth), we explored 3 different types of earth this week: tierra (soil), piedras (rocks), and arena (sand). We looked for them outside, explored them using magnifying glasses, and compared their different characteristics.

Immersion Tip of the Week

I encourage you to help your child continue to hear and speak Spanish this week, whether it be watching a video, going to a place where there are Spanish speakers, or talking with a friend or family member! Language learning never stops, even outside of the classroom!

Reading Tip of the Week

Visit the library this week (or sometime this month) and check out some new books! Try some easy readers in English, or in Spanish (the Holland public library has a good selection of Spanish books). Get excited about starting a new book or a new series with your child!

Virtual Learning Day next Friday, March 19th! I will be sending an email with some activities your child can do in Reading, Writing, Math, and Bible that day. Each activity should take no longer than 15 minutes. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Hope you've signed up for our conferences Monday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 31st! If not, please let me know, and I can help you sign up.


Don't forget to send in your numbered plastic eggs in a carton and 2 sticks for our upcoming Easter activities!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy that sunshine!

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