Thursday, March 18, 2021

15-18 de marzo

 ¡Hola Familias!

I don't know about you, but I have been acutely aware of the calendar this week. Last year at this time, I was scrambling to figure out online learning, teaching kids how to use Zoom, and figuring out how to make videos, edit them, and upload them to YouTube. What an incredible blessing that we are STILL learning in person together! I am so thankful for the opportunity to see your child's beautiful, eager face every day, and not just on a screen!

Here's what we were up to this week!

Reading / Lectura: We are nearing the end of learning all the syllables! This week we practiced words with ga, gue, gui, go, gu (all of these have the same /g/ sound, and the "u" in gue/gui is silent). The kids are getting so confident in writing words syllables by syllables. I am so proud of them! Additionally, we practiced identifying, hearing, reading, and writing sentence that are exclamaciones!

Writing / Escritura: This week we continued the process of planning and writing about an experience from our lives. We talked about our writing having un tema, or a theme or big idea. We then shared our writing with the class and celebrated the growth each student is making.

Math / Matemáticas
: We have been practicing solving number stories and writing equations based on real-life situations. We've also been practicing counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s, and identifying 3-dimensional shapes and comparing them with 2-dimensional ones. Nicole and Will, our high school immersion helpers, have been working with the kids every Thursday afternoon and helping with math.

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned some stories about when Jesus was growing up and preparing for ministry. We learned about how He was "lost" at the temple in Jerusalem, His baptism by John, and the choosing of His disciples.

Science / Ciencias: This week we learned about el aire, or the air. We talked about how you can see the air moving in things like plastic bags, bubbles, balloons, and kites. It was a fun outdoor experience!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Your child recently brought home a book that he/she wrote during Writing class. Ask your child to read it to you and to talk about each page. I hope you will be impressed with how far your child has come in the area of writing!

Reading Tip of the Week
You already know that reading to your child is critically important, but did you also know that talking to your child is just as important? When we engage in conversation, we model language, taking turns, eye contact, listening behaviors, comprehension, and good manners. Take some time to talk to your child this weekend. Ask about his/her favorite activities in school, games to play on the playground, or just play together!

Easter Crafts 

I have not done the final count, but I don't think I have received all of the egg cartons or sticks yet. If you have not sent them in, please do so by Monday!

P/T Conferences 

Some families have yet to sign up for conferences coming up Monday, March 29th and Wednesday, March 31st. Please do so ASAP so I can plan accordingly. Thank you! Here is the link to the Virtual Paragon.

Have a great weekend! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me tomorrow if you have questions regarding our virtual learning day. 

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