We had another fantastic week of learning this week! We celebrated TWOSday on Tuesday, 2/22/22, which was a fun and unique learning opportunity, complete with crowns, a fun snack, and a whole-school dance party at 2:22pm! I am so proud of the kids for the progress they are making and for the positive choices that I see every day. Teaching is all about baby steps, and when I look back at the beginning of the year, it is amazing to see how far we have come!
Here are some more details about our week...
Reading / Lectura: This week we practiced the syllables with y: ya, ye, yi, yo, yu. These syllables can be tricky in Spanish, as they sound the same as the syllables with ll. We also started a reading unit on nonfiction books and have been comparing them with fiction books.
Writing / Escritura: We are continuing to work on 3-part stories with principio, medio, y final. The kids have been planning their writing using graphic organizers while also focusing on el tema, or the main idea, of their stories.
Math / Matemáticas: We have been working on telling story problems about going to a grocery store. We also learned a game called la parte secreta (the secret part), where we practice finding the missing part to a number.
Bible / Biblia: This week we started learning about the prophet Elías, or Elijah. We learned how God protected him from King Ahab by providing food in the desert. We also learned about how Elijah took care of a widow and her son, and how he showed the prophets of Baal that his God is the one true God--one of my favorite stories to tell and act out with the kids!
Science: We reviewed the differences between maps and globes and learned that the earth has more agua than tierra.
Social Studies: We read the amazing story of Mary Walker, a Black woman and former slave who learned how to read when she was over 100 years old! It is never too late to learn something new!
Immersion Tip of the WeekAsk your child to tell you about his/her favorite thing from school today, or any day next week! Talking about what he/she learned with you in English helps reinforce the concepts. Ask questions to encourage your child to provide details!
Reading Tip of the Week
Create a special "reading place" for your child at home with some big pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals. Build a "reading time" into your family routine, both reading with your child or encouraging him/her to read alone!
Coming Up... (same as last week, in case you missed them!)
Monday, March 7th: Field Trip to Grand Rapids Children's Museum (please plan to pack a home lunch that day)
-Monday, March 28th and Wednesday, March 30th: Parent/Teacher Conferences (let me know if you did not receive an email to sign up for one!)
-March 1-10: Spring break
Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy more photos from our week below...