We had a fantastic, fun week this week! From celebrating our Spanish goal with el día de peluches, to wacky hat day, to playing outside in the snow, to spending time with our buddy class this morning learning about Honduras, this week was full of learning and excitement. Here is more of what we've been up to...
Reading / Lectura: This week we learned about the syllables va, ve, vi, vo, vu. I am challenging the kids to hear all of the sounds and write more complex words, such as volcán (volcano) and víbora. It's awesome to see so much growth! We are also learning about verb tenses for yo (I) and tú (you) as well as incorporating different reading strategies as we read our leveled books.
Writing / Escritura: We are starting a new unit focusing on los sentimientos, or the feelings, which we are integrating as we write about our own personal experiences (or "small moments"). This week we learned some feeling vocabulary words that go beyond "sad" and "happy", such as avergonzado (ashamed), emocionado (excited), and gruñón (grumpy). As we stretch ourselves to write about different words, we are reminded that there are no bad emotions, and it is important to think about why we feel a certain way.
Math / Matemáticas: We have been reviewing shapes, writing larger numbers, solving number stories, and beginning to practice forming numbers using decenas (tens) and unidades (ones).
Bible / Biblia: This week we started learning about Samuel, who heard God's voice when he was just a child (I LOVE telling this story to the kids!). As Samuel grew, he became a prophet for los israelitas and helped them name their first king, el rey Saúl. We have also started to learn about el rey David!
100s Day Celebration
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to send in snacks for our 100s day celebration! If possible, if you haven't already, please send in your item on MONDAY. We will plan on making our snack mix on Tuesday afternoon and I want to make sure we aren't missing anything.
Class Chapel
The kids have been doing a great job learning their verses! Please keep reviewing them at home. We look forward to worshipping with you on Wednesday, February 9th at 10:35am. :)
Field Trip to ODC
We are also going on a field trip to the ODC on Wednesday afternoon! Please make sure your child has warm winter clothing to play outside.
Have a wonderful weekend! See you next Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning!
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