¡Hola Familias!
We had a busy, fun week filled with excitement, learning, and joy! I am thankful for another great week with our class.
While I would love to just rave about how great a week we had, I would also like to pause to remember the families in Uvalde, Texas--a few hours away from where we used to live. Their children should be celebrating the end of the school year and looking forward to a fun and relaxing summer. Their teachers should be cleaning their classrooms and reflecting on a full and successful year. As we try to wrap our minds around this senseless tragedy, we can only pray that God reveals Himself through the ashes. We can only hold our children tightly and pray for their protection, knowing we live in a fallen world. We can only continue to pray more earnestly and fervently, "COME, Lord Jesus." Please join me as we remember the precious lives lost, and pray for our country, our schools, and the Uvalde community.
I am so thankful for every moment as we draw the school year to a close. We had lots of fun activities this week, such as a surprise day of inflatables (thank you Parent Board!), playing some traditional outdoor games with our friends Sra. Alvarez and Sra. Gonzalez, a fun game time with our buddy class, and crayon day! Here is more information about what we've been learning...
Reading / Lectura: We have been reviewing all concepts we have learned. This week the kids had fun with some new and fresh reading centers as we continue to focus on our reading strategies in small groups.
Writing / Escritura: This week we continued working on writing about our opiniones. We concluded writing about our favorite pet and begin working on a book about our favorite things.
Math / Matemáticas: We worked on comparing numbers, using the terms mayor/menor/igual (greater/less/equal), and solving subtraction problems. We also did some comparison by measuring height and length.
Bible / Biblia: This week we learned about the parábola of el hijo pródigo, or the Prodigal Son. The kids loved hearing about how God is our Father, who is always waiting for us to return to Him even when we make mistakes.
Immersion Tip of the Week
Is your child reading in English yet? Remember that immersion kids may learn to read in English at different times, so he/she might or might not feel ready for this. Encourage your child to follow along with you as you read, to finish a sentence on a page, or just talk about what you're reading together. Your child will love this!
Keep reading over the summer, in both English AND Spanish! I encourage you to check out Herrick Library's Spanish section--they have a lot of good fiction and nonfiction books to choose from, as well as Vox books that your child can listen to. You may also hold on to any paper books that you think your child will reread over the summer. Finally, your child can still use the Raz-Kids app, so take advantage of that great digital resource!
Last Week of School
Monday, May 30th: No School; Memorial Day
Friday, June 3rd: Last day of school (dismissal is at 11:30)
We have tons of fun activities planned for next week! Can't wait to celebrate with your child! Have a fabulous long weekend!