Friday, October 7, 2022

3-7 de octubre

¡Hola familias!

¡Feliz viernes! Happy Friday! We had a great week in Kindergarten. Although it was cold today, we enjoyed a beautiful fall day in the woods at Hemlock with our second grade friends!

Here is some more information about what we've been learning this week:

Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the letters V, W, and X! We are also learning to distinguish sustantivos propios (proper nouns) from regular nouns. We've also continued to practice partner reading and taking turns talking with each other.

Writing / Escritura: We are wrapping up our unit writing about la familia! This week the kids worked on choosing their favorite piece of writing and evaluating it using a rubric. We have also been practicing sharing our work with others and celebrating our growth.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we explored some shapes, including círculos, cuadrados, y rectángulos. We also have been comparing numbers using the terms mayor (greater) and menor (less).

Bible / Biblia: We have been starting to learn about Abraham y Sarah and how God promised them that their family would be as numerous as las estrellas. We also learned about Jacob y Esaú and how Jacob stole la bendición (the blessing) from his brother. The kids enjoyed acting out this story!

Science / Ciencias: This week we used los ojos (eyes) to observe the world around us! We made some binoculares to focus on different colors and objects we could look at outside, and we also enjoyed seeing many different colores in the woods today. 

Immersion Tip of the Week

One of my favorite parts about teaching immersion is finding creative ways to incorporate language into our everyday activities. For example, when we're having lunch, I like to ask the kids to identify colores, formas (shapes), and other adjectives like caliente/frío (hot/cold), suave/duro (soft/hard), and dulce/salado (sweet/salty). The kids really enjoy showing me things they have for lunch that fall into different categories! Try this at home and ask your kids what words in Spanish they'd use to describe their food.

Reading Tip of the Week
When reading a book this week, see if your child can identify some letters. Practice the name of the letters (in English OR Español) and the sound that it makes. It's OK if the letter makes a different sound in English than in Spanish; just tell your child that some letters made different sounds in different languages. ;)

Parent/Teacher Conferences

...are coming up on Monday, October 17th (in person) and Wednesday, October 19th (virtual). You should have received information in the Holland Christian newsletter about signing up, but please let me know if you need help with this!

Baby Pictures

When you are able, can you please text/email/send in a photo of your child when he/she was a baby for our next reading unit? Thank you so much!

Grandparents' Day!

I have still only gotten a few responses so far about our Grandparents' Day celebration. Would you please fill out the form here quickly so I can be prepared? ¡Muchas gracias!

Grandparents Day Volunteers

Are you able and willing to help with our Grandparents Day event on the 27th?  Please take a peek at our sign up.

A Note From Our Parent Board:

😀 Help Wanted 😀 

Parent Teacher Conference Meals

Please see the sign up to feed and fuel our teachers during Parent Teacher conferences!

Language Learning Opportunity

 Do you have a child in a local Spanish Immersion program? This is a great opportunity to join in the fun of learning a new language! Class is open to non-immersion parents, too!

For more info and to register:

Phew, I think that's all for now! Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Enjoy lots of photos below :)

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