We made it to Spring Break! We had an exciting and fun-filled week filled with surprises, celebration, learning, and more!
Since this week was a little different from normal, I'm going to share a list of the fun activities we did rather than breaking it down by subject:
-We finished our Resurrection Eggs project, which your child took home today. I pray that you and your family can share this project together, reflecting on Jesus' immense love for us in that He came to Earth to die for our sins.
-We celebrated our garden's "first fruits"! This week we were able to pick some green beans, sugar snap peas, and lettuce to try! It has been so exciting to watch our garden grow together! (The goats, Rosie and Parker, also enjoyed trying our veggies!)
-We engaged in great learning by helping to engineer and design a safe "landing zone" for the playground slide using a teddy bear and testing our ideas out as a group. We then presented our ideas to Maestra Pereira, which the kids loved!
-We made bouncy balls as a celebration for reaching our March Spanish goal!
-We concluded our instructivo, or how-to, writing unit by writing our own "how-to" books and presenting them to the class. The kids were so proud of their work!
-We had a wonderful trip to Ramirez Bakery on Wednesday! I sent home a letter with more details as well as a follow-up activity you can do with your family.-We enjoyed hearing the high school band perform a concert for us, with some familiar tunes!
SI Summer Camp
Have you signed up your child(ren) for our SI summer camp yet? If not, there's still time! The camp will run June 26-30 from 9:00-12:00 every day. Here is the link to sign up, and you may drop your check off in the office. It's going to be great!
Immersion Tip of the Week
Have your child be the "language teacher" in your house one evening. Encourage him/her to teach you some new words or phrases. Let your child show off and be the expert. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and laugh as you learn. Most importantly, have fun!
Reading Tip of the Week
In some of our reading groups, we've worked on developing fluency when we read. Fluency is reading like talking--not too quickly, but also not in a choppy way. When you read to your child, read with lots of expression to model this!
We will have more information about end of the year field trips and other activities coming up after we return from break! For now, take a breath, slow down a bit (maybe?), and enjoy a break from routine! Can't wait to have everyone back in April! Enjoy lots of photos from our fun week below: