Friday, March 17, 2023

13-17 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

We have had a busy and full week in kindergarten! We are looking forward to la primavera (springtime), our spring program coming up next Thursday, as well as spring break and la Pascua (Easter) coming up in a few weeks! In the meantime, there is a lot going on!

Here is an update on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with h: ha, he, hi, ho, hu. The "h" is silent in Spanish, so kids are learning to remember which words begin with the letter! We've also been learning to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction books.

Writing / Escritura: This week we finished our instructivos (how-to writing) on how to make limonada. We also had a super fun, cultural experience making tortillas y quesadillas out of maseca (corn flour) with the help of Maestra Rodriguez! We are starting to work on writing out the steps.

Math / Matemáticas: We have continued working on counting to 100 by 1s, 10s, and 5s. We are also working on recognizing the parts of 10, such as 1+9, 2+8, etc. Finally, we are working on telling and solving number stories.

Bible / Biblia: We have finished our study of el Antiguo Testamento, or the Old Testament! This week we worked on coloring books about Daniel y los leones. We also learned about Jonás, who tried to run away from God without success. We also learned how the entire Old Testament is tied together by the promise of our coming King!

Science / Ciencias: This week we have continued our study of force and motion. We are trying to figure out what makes a person go faster or slower down a slide, conducting experiments to test our theories. We learned that if a slide is más empinada (steeper), a person will go down faster. Now we are discovering what happens when friction is added. The kids are having a great time with this!

Parent/Teacher Conferences

...are next Monday, March 20th, and Monday, March 27th! I look forward to talking with you about your child's progress! **Since 3/27 was listed as "virtual option", I am expecting you to come in-person. If you need for our conference to be virtual, please let me know!

Spring Program

  • The spring program is nearly upon us, friends. We hope you are able to attend as our children lead us in worship Thursday evening. We ask that your child wear his/her Streams of Living Water t-shirt for the program. Please meet your child's teacher in the narthex of Christ Memorial Church at 6:10. Our program will begin at 6:30 and we anticipate will commence around 7:30. Our preschool friends will sit with their families and be called up front to lead in singing midway through the program. We've got singers, percussionists, dancers, and what elementary program would be complete without recorders! We can't wait to see you there. 
  • Please note we do not have staff available to open the nursery. Nursery will be closed. 
  • We will be taking a collection midway through the program to help offset the cost of the venue. Thank you, as always, for all of your support! 
Kids Food Basket Week

Kids Food Basket Week begins on Monday. We're so grateful for this opportunity allowing us to step into the call of servant living. We’re approaching Holy Week soon, friends, during which Jesus washed the feet of his disciples as an act of service and love. One act of service and love to our neighbors can be to help offer relief from food insecurities. We anticipate special learning experiences and what we pray will be impactful discussions each day with your child. Thank you, friends, for passionately growing Christ followers by leading and modeling with your heart!

Kids Food Basket held a listening session with children who struggle with food insecurities. They learned the food preferences from the children right in our own neighborhood! The following is food from their wish list. If you're willing, please bring any of these food items between Monday, March 20-Friday, March 24. 

• Nutri-Grain bars

• Fruit cups

• Cheerios

• Raisin boxes

• Cheez-It crackers 

• Goldfish crackers 

Friday, March 24

Is Go Orange Day to raise awareness and pubicly offer support to the continued work done by Kids Food Basket. 

Additionally, if you'd like to contribute to the mission good work Kids Food Basket provides in our community, please feel free to use this QR code for a direct link

BAND EXTRAVAGANZA - Come one, come all to the Holland Christian Schools Band Extravaganza for a wonderful night of music on Tuesday, March 21. HC’s 5th grade, 6th grade, Middle School, and High School Bands will perform at the Jack H. Miller Center for the Musical Arts on Hope College’s campus at 7pm. Hear a wide variety of musical styles and sounds and you won’t want to miss the closer, featuring over 200 musicians combined!


SWINGIN’ THE NIGHT AWAY - The HCHS music department and jazz ensembles invite you to Swingin’ the Night Away on Friday, March 24, 6:45-9:30pm in the HS Cafeteria. Free dance instructions from 6:45 pm-7:30pm. Enjoy intergenerational fun, dancing, desserts and beverages from 7:30-9:30pm. Tickets are $5 at the door. Enjoy Afro-Cuban influenced music, funk tunes, the blues, and a vocal soloist!

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