Friday, March 3, 2023

27 de febrero - 3 de marzo

¡Hola Familias! 

It felt good to have a "normal", full week again! We had a fun ice cream party celebrating our accomplishment of reaching our Spanish goal (coloring in our corazón y flecha) in February, and we continue to work hard speaking Spanish every day. We have been very busy in class! Here is what we have been up to...

Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables ya, ye, yi, yo, yu. The letter makes the same sound in Spanish as it does in English, as well as the same sound as the Spanish letter ll. We have also been studying verbs and their different endings in Spanish.

Writing / Escritura: This week we concluded our study in writing 3-part stories. The kids worked SO hard on these stories and really enjoyed presenting them to their classmates! I am saving them for their writing portfolios, but I'll show them to you during conferences. I am so proud of them!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been playing a new game called la parte secreta (the secret part), in which we guess the missing part of a number. The kids are getting more confident explaining how they know what the missing number is. We've also been enjoying some new math centers focused on addition and counting to 100.

Bible / Biblia: We finished up our study of Eliseo (Elisha), learning how God used him to help many people, including the widow and Naamán. We also started learning about other characters in the later part of the Old Testament, such as Josías, the boy who was king, and Ester, the queen who saved her people.

Science / Ciencias
: We are continuing to learn about force and motion. We are working on making posters with safety rules for some playground equipment, including los columpios (the swings), la resbaladilla (the slide), and el columpio de llanta (the tire swing). We will present them to our buddy class next week!

Immersion Tip of the Week 

I encourage you to help your child continue to hear and speak Spanish this week, whether it be watching a video, going to a place where there are Spanish speakers, or talking with a friend or family member! Language learning never stops, even outside of the classroom!

Reading Tip of the Week

Visit the library this week (or sometime this month) and check out some new books! Try some easy readers in English, or in Spanish (the Holland public library has a good selection of Spanish books--check out the Vox books that read to you). Get excited about starting a new book or a new series with your child!

Spring Weather & Winter Clothes

As the weather gets warmer outside, kids tend to want to shed their winter clothes quickly! Our rule at Rose Park regarding coats is that if it is under 50 degrees, kids are still required to wear them. If it is warmer out but still under 50, you might want to have your child bring a lighter coat. Also, please continue to send boots, as it is often muddy outside!

Lacrosse Meeting

To the elementary and middle school students who are interested in playing lacrosse for Holland Christian this year, there will be a parent informational meeting on Thursday, March 9 at 7pm. It will be held in the Lecture Hall at Holland Christian High School. Please enter through Door A which will be unlocked at 6:45. This meeting is to provide you with details in terms of practice, equipment, times, etc. If you have any questions, we will be willing to answer any you may have there as well.

SI Summer Camp!

We are pleased to be offering our second year of SI summer camp! It will be a super-fun week for all students entering grades K-5, and a great opportunity to keep up with Spanish over the summer. See the flyer below (also sent via email) and let me know if you have any questions!

Looking for a Nanny over the summer?

If you are looking for childcare or a nanny over the summer, let me know and I will connect you with a college student who is looking for a summer job! :) 

That's all for this week! Have a great weekend, and enjoy some more photos from this week below:

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