Friday, March 10, 2023

6-10 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

It has been a great week of learning in kindergarten! We have been busy with some fun projects, practicing for our school-wide Spring Program (coming up the evening of March 23rd), seeing our flowers grow and visiting Rosie and Parker, and more! Here are some details about what we've been learning...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with the letter ñ in Spanish (it makes a /ny/ sound). We have also been learning about reflexive verbs in Spanish as well as comparing fiction and nonfiction books.

Writing / Escritura: We started our "how-to", or instructivo, unit this week. We started off by making chocolate caliente, which was fun for everyone! Then we made limonada together, which was a fun way to incorporate culture, as aguas frescas, or fresh "fruit waters", are very popular to make as well as buy in many Spanish-speaking countries. We used sequence adverbs primero, después, luego, y al final (first, next, then, last) to organize our writing.

Math / Matemáticas: This week we practiced representing teen numbers by making a group of 10 plus more. We are also working on recognizing parts of numbers, reviewing names and attributes of shapes, and counting from 1-100.

Bible / Biblia: We are nearing the end of our study of the Old Testament! This week we learned about the exile in Babilonia, which was a difficult and sad time for God's people. We also learned about the bravery of Sadrac, Mesac, y Abednego who were not afraid to stand up for their God! 

Science / Ciencias: We ended the first part of our unit on force and motion by creating posters with safety rules for our playground, specifically focusing on the swings, tire swing, and slides. We then presented our projects to our third grade buddies, which was exciting for everyone!

Easter Projects Coming Up!

We are going to start learning about the resurrection story pretty soon, and we will need a few items to do this together! Please send in the following items by next Friday, March 17th: 

1. Two sticks, bound together with twine or string to form a cross. They should be about finger thickness and stand no more than about a foot tall. Please label the cross with a post-it or tag with your child's name!

2.  A dozen colored plastic eggs, labeled from 1-12, in an egg carton. Please label the carton with your child's name!

SI Summer Camp

We are so excited to be putting on another fun summer camp this year! Here's the registration form again in case you are still planning on registering your child(ren).

Kids Food Basket Week Is Coming

Our prayer, as your partners, is that the words we say, the behaviors we model and the experiences we plan would shape your children’s heart to look just a little more like Jesus’ heart every day. By embedding our Holland Christian Discipleship Practices in the learning activities and daily life of our community, we believe we help to prepare our children for a life lived closer to God’s call as Kingdom Bringers.

50 schools from throughout West Michigan will be jumping in to work together to help bring food to “nourish kids to be their best” thanks to the leadership of Kids Food Basket.

Guess what! Rose Park is invited to join in with this important effort. Every child knows the discomfort of hunger. Many of our children don’t understand the depth of struggle with food insecurities but we certainly can work together to help ease the pain children who are our neighbors are feeling. March 20-March 24 we will live into Kids Food Basket Week! Take a peek at this flyer to learn about some of the ways your family can also get involved if you choose: KFB Week 2023-School Flyer. You’ll find a wish list of food items children in our area have shared that they enjoy eating the most. There is a QR code your family can contribute to this dear organization if you’d like. And, finally, you can wear orange on Go Orange Day, March 24. Orange is the color of Childhood Hunger Awareness and we want to help make a difference. As we grow in our gardening skills, our dream is to one day raise fresh, organic treats for these yummy sack suppers.

Would you like to participate? We'll be collecting food from the wish list gathered from children close by right in our neighborhood! Here are some of their favorite foods for the sack suppers we'd like to collect:

• Nutri-Grain bars

• Fruit cups

• Cheerios

• Raisin boxes

• Cheez-It crackers 

• Goldfish crackers 

Additionally, if you'd like to contribute to the mission good work Kids Food Basket provides in our community, please feel free to use this QR code for a direct link

Parent/Teacher Conference Yummies

Parent Board is looking for donations to feed the teachers during conferences, Monday March 20. We are excited to provide our teachers a fun Charcuterie board to snack on after school! We need all kinds of meat, cheeses, treats and whatever you think we should throw on a board!! Please bring the items to school by Monday morning before lunch time so we can put it all together before school gets out at 3pm! You guys are amazing, I know our teachers love not having to worry about food or drink on conference day so they can focus on chatting with families!!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend and enjoy the photos below!

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