Friday, October 27, 2023

23-27 de octubre

Hola Familias! 

What a great week! The kids were full of energy, and we had tons of fun together! We had some amazing weather, played outside in the green and in las hojas (the leaves), and did lots of great learning!

This week we also welcomed Mrs. Dalman from the Child Advocacy Center, who gave a lesson to the kids on body safety. Your child should have brought home a bookmark and a pamphlet with some more information on this important topic. I will be following up over the next weeks with mini-lessons and sending more worksheets and information home for you. 

Here is more information about our week:

Reading / Lectura: This week we jumped into the building block for Spanish reading--las sílabas (syllables)! In Spanish, words are comprised of sílabas, which are usually made up of a consonant and a vowel together (e.g. ma-má). This week we learned las sílabas con M: ma, me, mi, mo, mu. Your child might be noticing lots of letters everywhere--ask about the M syllables as well!

Writing / Escritura
: We have been using the vocabulary from el cuerpo to work on adding labels to our work. This week we focused on adding more details to our drawings, adding el punto (a period) at the end of each sentence, and using espacios (spaces) between each word.

Math / Matemáticas: We are learning to identify and sequence numbers from 1-10 as well as compare them using the terms mayor (greater) and menor (less). We've also been learning about patrones (patterns) and different types we can create and recognize, such as AB, ABB, or ABC.

Bible / Biblia: This week we finished up the story of José, learning how he interpreted los sueños de Faraón (Pharaoh's dreams) and how he became an important figure in Egypt. Most importantly, José forgave his brothers when they came to him asking for food. Just as he chose to forgive, we can do the same--and we can receive Jesus' forgiveness for our sins!

Science / Ciencias: This week we reviewed los cinco sentidos focusing on los ojos para mirar (eyes to see). We made some special binoculars which we'll use again next week. We also had a great time cutting open una calabaza (a pumpkin) and exploring it using our five senses!

Immersion Tip of the Week

Immersion in a second language can be overwhelming, and these kids are champs! Let them know what a great job they are doing. I've told my own kids how I didn't know any Spanish at all when I was their age, and their papi didn't know English. Learning another language breaks down so many barriers, and it is an amazing gift for your child! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this language journey. 

Reading Tip of the Week

There are many, many activities you can do to build your child's reading skills, but the most important thing is that you ENJOY it! Take time this weekend to read with your child. If it's not part of your daily routine, I encourage you to find a time to do so. Reading  20 minutes a day yields amazing results (see infographic at right!).

Parent Helper Form

I'm putting out my parent helper form in case you didn't get a chance to fill it out at the beginning of the school year. If you'd like to volunteer in our classroom, help with barn chores, come on a field trip, or even take work home to help out Maestra, please fill it out! Muchas gracias!


The Holland Christian Jazz Bands and the Old Timer’s Jazz Band are proud to present the Swingin’ the Night Away in the HCHS cafeteria on Friday, November 3, from 6:45 to 9 pm. Admission is $5, and goes to support the music program at HCHS. New to swing dancing? No worries! Dance instructors will be on hand from 6:45 pm-7:30 pm to teach us the basic steps of swing, so the evening can be enjoyed by novice and experienced dancers alike. Not in the mood for dancing? Come socialize, indulge in some delicious desserts, punch, and enjoy the music of Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington and more.

See more pictures from our week below! Have a wonderful weekend!