¡Hola Familias!
After quite a long stretch of sickness and absences, it was SO GOOD to have our whole class together again for most of this week! We are starting to make incredible progress in language, reading, and math, and I am so proud of the kids! Maestra Rodriguez led an awesome field trip to the Farmer's Market on Wednesday (I was at an all-day training) where the kids used their cinco sentidos (5 senses). Here are some more updates for you...
Reading / Lectura: This week we started learning about a building block in Spanish literacy--las sílabas (syllables). Reading in Spanish is done by grouping sounds into syllables and then putting them together: for example, ma + no = mano (hand). This week we explored the syllables ma, me, mi, mo, mu as we started learning how to rotate through literacy centers. We also learned about the ending -ito or -ita used at the end of words in Spanish as a diminutive or affectionate term. Finally, we practiced making connections to the books we read and shared these with our reading partners.
Writing / Escritura: We have been wrapping up el cuerpo (the body) and will soon move into la ropa (clothing) as we work on listing and labeling our work. We've also been practicing revising and editing by checking for spaces between words and periods at the end of sentences.
Math / Matemáticas: We are learning about how the numbers 5-10 can be represented using a 5-group and some "extras" (e.g. 7 = 5+2). We made some hand artwork to represent this concept. We've also been practicing how to solve and represent number stories.
Bible / Biblia: This week we continued learning about José (Joseph) and how God was with him, even though he was thrown in la carcel (jail) and felt alone. José was able to help Faraón and eventually reconcile with his brothers. We know that God is always with us and has a plan for our lives!
Science / Ciencias: We did a fun project exploring a calabaza (pumpkin) with our five senses and recording our findings. Most of the kids did not like eating canned pumpkin, but it was fun to try anyways! ;)
Immersion Tip of the Week
Immersion in a second language can be overwhelming, and these kids are champs! Let them know what a great job they are doing. I've told my own kids how I didn't know any Spanish at all when I was their age, and their papi didn't know English. Learning another language breaks down so many barriers, and it is an amazing gift for your child! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this language journey.Reading Tip of the Week
There are many, many activities you can do to build your child's reading skills, but the most important thing is that you ENJOY it! Take time this weekend to read with your child. If it's not part of your daily routine, I encourage you to find a time to do so. Reading 20 minutes a day yields amazing results (see infographic at right!).
Veteran's Day Chapel
Hello Rose Park families! On November 10, our school will gather for worship in chapel, and will spend a few moments honoring those who have served our country in recognition of Veteran’s Day. We wish to recognize and thank students’ family members (parent or siblings) that have served or are serving in the military. I’d like to do a quick slide show with a photo of each Veteran, name, which branch they served in. If your child has a parent or sibling that is a veteran, would you please email a photo to me (either in uniform or not) so that we can thank them for their service? Along with the person’s name, branch, and which Rose Park student is in their family. We don’t want to leave anyone out. Thanks so much for your help.
Email to: kschebor@hollandchristian.org (please send no later than November 8th)Blessings, Karina Schebor
Second Grade Teacher, Rose Park Christian
Parent Helper Form
Your Voice in Our Partnership
Parents, we are seeking your feedback about life at Rose Park. If you are able to find time to complete this survey and have not yet, please consider voicing your perspective by Wednesday, November 3. Here it is en espanol. Thank you! We so value and appreciate your partnership!
Help Wanted
Holland Christian Schools is looking for an inclusive education paraprofessional/resource classroom assistant to provide assistance both to teachers and students within the K-2 Forest School setting. This position will support students both academically and social/emotionally throughout the school day. Please note that this is a three-year position funded by EANS (Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools) dollars, and that insurance/benefits are not provided. After three years, a determination will be made regarding the possibility of integrating this job into Holland Christian Schools regularized staffing. Please apply online here.
That's all for this week. Have a safe and wonderful weekend! Enjoy some more pictures below...