¡Hola Familias!
It's been another great week here in Spanish Immersion kindergarten! We have been busy playing, learning, singing, reading, and writing more and more en español, and I am so proud of the kids for the progress they are making!
One highlight of the week was hearing our ESS teacher, Mrs. Erin Johnson, talk about Down Syndrome Awareness Month (see photo at right). She has recently published a book about her brother who has Down syndrome (you can purchase it here). We had some great conversations about how everyone is made in God's image, including our special friends with Down syndrome!
Here are some more updates on what we have been doing this week:
Reading / Lectura: We finally finished el alfabeto this week! After studying letters y and z, we learned about the digraphs ch (same sound as in English) and ll (the /y/ sound), as well as the rr (rolled R) sound. I have assessed all of the students to see how many letter names and sounds they have learned so far (which we will talk about during conferences). Next week we will be getting ready to start our guided reading centers! In addition to this, we have been learning about proper nouns and how we can use pictures to tell and re-tell a story.
Writing / Escritura: We are learning about el cuerpo, or the body, and including this vocabulary in our writing. This week we have been focusing on labeling our writing and stretching words to hear each individual sound. We have also been practicing adding spaces between words so that our writing is more legible.
Math / Matemáticas: This week we have been practicing comparison, sequencing numbers, writing numbers 1-10, and counting by 1s and 10s.
Bible / Biblia: In Bible this week, we continued learning about Jacob y Esaú--how Jacob fled from his home after angering Esau and had a dream about angels going up and down the stairway to heaven. We were reminded that God was with Jacob throughout this time and that He was going to fulfill the promise he made to Abraham years before. We are now starting to learn about Jacob's favorite son, José, and his coat of muchos colores. The kids were excited when they recognized this story!
Science / Ciencias: As we continue our 5 senses study, we moved to la vista (sight) this week as we explored colors, shapes, and more! First, we painted pumpkins and talked about the bright, vibrant colors; then, we created our own binoculares to focus in on things we can see with los ojos (our eyes). It has been fun exploring the world by focusing on one sense at a time.
Immersion Tip of the Week
I am gradually starting to require more and more Spanish to be spoken in the classroom. Remind your child that he/she already has A LOT of vocabulary, even though sometimes he/she won't know the exact word to use. Ask your child how to describe an object in Spanish, using colors, shapes, numbers, and adjectives like big/small, hot/cold, hard/soft, fast/slow, etc. I think you will be impressed!
Reading Tip of the Week
When you read with your child, encourage your child to look for words, vowels, sounds, and/or syllables that he/she knows. As they begin learning to read, the students will become much more aware of print. Call their attention to features of the text in a fun, non-pressured way as you enjoy a book together.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
...are next Monday and Tuesday, October 18th and 19th. I look forward to sitting down and talking with each one of you about how your child is doing in kindergarten! Please plan on arriving punctually so I can give you the full 15 minutes of our conference time. :)
No School: October 21-22
Just a reminder that we have no school next Thursday and Friday due to our CEA conference. Enjoy the long weekend!
Here are some more photos from our week. Enjoy the weekend!
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