Friday, May 24, 2024

20-24 de mayo

 ¡Hola Familias!

We've had a great week of school together! As we reach the end, we have so much to celebrate!   The weather is getting warmer, and everyone is eager to be on vacation, but the kids have worked so hard this week and I am proud of them. Let's finish strong until the end!

Here's what we've been learning...

Reading / Lectura: This week we reviewed las vocales y los consonantes--vowels and consonants. The kids did an excellent job making letter books to review the letters, sounds and vocabulary they have learned throughout the year. We are also learning about characters, thinking about what they say, do, and how they feel.

Writing / Escritura: We finished some of our initial opinion writing pieces and shared them with the class. We are focusing on the phrase, "A mí me gusta..." which means "I like.." and giving reasons. Next week we will write books about what we think is la mejor mascota, or the best pet.

Math / Matemáticas: We've been working hard to identify parts of numbers, write equations, and count and write to larger numbers. We've also been exploring and comparing 2D and 3D shapes.

Bible / Biblia: We are continuing to learn about Jesus' miracles and parables, including the parable of la oveja perdida (the lost sheep). We also learned about the story of María y Martha this week and learned how Jesus really wants us to spend time with him!

Immersion Tip of the Week
Is your child reading in English yet? Remember that immersion kids may learn to read in English at different times, so he/she might or might not feel ready for this. Encourage your child to follow along with you as you read, to finish a sentence on a page, or just talk about what you're reading together. Your child will love this!

Reading Tip of the Week

Keep reading over the summer, in both English AND Spanish! I encourage you to check out Herrick Library's Spanish section--they have a lot of good fiction and nonfiction books to choose from, as well as Vox books that your child can listen to. You may also hold on to any paper books that you think your child will reread over the summer. Finally, your child can still use the Raz-Kids app, so take advantage of that great digital resource!

Piñata Party!

It looks like we will reach our Spanish goal for the month of May soon! I told the kids that when we reach our goal, we will have a piñata party! Are any parents willing to help purchase a piñata and/or candy for this special event? Please let me know if you would like to help! ¡Muchas gracias!

Last Weeks of School

Monday, May 27th: No School; Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 5th: Last day of school (dismissal is at 11:30)

Guinea Pig Home

WANTED -A summer home for 3 guinea pigs.  They currently live in Mrs. VanderZwaag's 4th grade classroom, but will be very lonely during the summer months.   If you'd consider taking them to your house for the summer, please contact Mrs. VanderZwaag.  Email her at  Thank you!

Rosie & Parker are at the Critter Barn 

Our dear goats Rosie and Parker will be spending their summer at the Critter Barn. If you want to visit them and show them some love this summer we would love for your family to pay them a visit!

Have an amazing long weekend, familias! Enjoy more photos below...

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