Friday, May 10, 2024

6-10 de mayo

¡Hola Familias! 

We had a super fun and busy week of school! We worked on memorizing Gálatas 5:22 (Galations 5:22) during our last session of Sing, Move, and Memorize every day this week; we had a wonderful trip to JW Greenhouse on Monday, where we planted flowers and enjoyed God's beautiful creation; we enjoyed eating tacos y quesadillas and searching for different items at Taquería y Supermercado Azteca. I also enjoyed seeing many of you (and many siblings) at the parade on Thursday, which was fun despite the rainy weather!

Here is more about what we've been learning this week:

Reading / Lectura: We have been studying the syllables with ll (in Spanish it makes the /y/ sound): lla, lle, lli, llo, llu. We've also been reviewing the alphabet with letter names and sounds, as well as examining different types of questions with ¿Dónde? (where?) and ¿Cómo? (how?).

Writing / Escritura: This week we finished our nonfiction animal books! The kids did a fantastic job reading them to their classmates. We are starting our final unit on opinion writing next week.

Math / Matemáticas: We have been working on solving number stories, working with shapes, solving larger sumas y restas, and identifying teen numbers.

Bible / Biblia: This week in Bible we learned about two of Jesus' milagros, the feeding of the five thousand and when Jesus walked on water.

Barn Chores

I'm still looking for one more helper for barn chores next week on Tuesday morning. Let me know if you are available to help--gracias!

Holland Christian Schools has  two scholarships that we would love to have you take a look at if your family qualifies, for this upcoming year: 

  • The Hendershot Family Fund Scholarship was established to assist families who demonstrate financial need through completing a Tuition Grant Fund application and also have a child who qualifies for Educational Support Services (ESS) at Holland Christian Schools. If your family meets these two requirements, you can apply to be considered for this scholarship through the Hendershot Family Fund application form until May 17.

  • The Dave Slenk Memorial Scholarship was established to assist families who currently work in law enforcement and are enrolled at HC in K-12th grade. If your family meets these requirements, you can apply to be considered for this scholarship through the Dave Slenk Memorial Scholarship application form until May 17. 

The fourth grade plant sale is coming to Rose Park on May 22 starting at 7:30am.  They will be selling tomatoes, peppers, basil, cilantro and rosemary.  All plants will be $2.00 per pot, cash or check only.  Mark your calendars!

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy more photos from our week below!

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