Friday, May 3, 2024

29 de abril - 3 de mayo

 ¡Hola Familias!

Here we are, at the beginning of mayo! We had a great week together with lots of learning and fun. We enjoyed a popsicle party outside on Wednesday to celebrate reaching our April Spanish goal, and we have continued to make lots of progress in speaking, listening, reading, and writing!

Here are more updates from our week...

Reading / Lectura: We have been learning the syllables with the digraph ch: cha, che, chi, cho, chu. We practiced writing two-, three-, and even four-syllable words we've learned, and the kids are doing an amazing job! We've also been working on recognizing end punctuation, such as punto (period) and signo de interrogación (question mark).

Writing / Escritura: This week we continued with our animal research projects. We filled out our tabla de contenido, or Table of Contents, and started writing each page based on our research. Next week we will present our books to the class!

Math / Matemáticas: We've been exploring 3D and 2D shapes, writing and counting from 1-100 by 10s, 5s, and 1s, and solving larger addition and subtraction problems through 10.

Bible / Biblia: This week we continued to journey through Jesus' miracles and parables. We learned about how Jesus healed Jairus' daughter and the sick woman, and about his parable of the fisherman and his net. 

Immersion Tip of the Week

Make a connection with our Bible lesson this week. Can you find one of Jesus' miracles in a Bible you have at home? Have your child tell you what he/she remembers about the story. Read the story again together, either in Spanish or in English!

Reading Tip of the Week

You should be SO proud of your child for how much growth he/she has made this year, both in Spanish AND in reading! Have your child "show off" to you by reading some book bag books in Spanish sometime this weekend. Give your child lots of praise for great work!

Field Trips / Activities:

There's so much going on at the end of the year! Here are some of our upcoming activities...

Monday, May 6th: Field trip to JW Greenhouse (afternoon)

Tuesday, May 7th: Field trip to Taquería Azteca (morning)

Thursday, May 9th: Half day (Tulip Time parade)

Tuesday, May 14th: Barn chores (2 helpers needed!)

Wednesday, May 15th: Field trip to Tunnel Park / Beach Cleanup (afternoon)

That's it for now! Have a wonderful weekend!

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