Friday, March 15, 2024

11-15 de marzo

¡Hola Familias! 

We have had a busy and full week in kindergarten! We had some beautiful weather, and some not-so-beautiful weather (unfortunately our Critter Barn field trip was cold and rainy, but we still had fun!). We are looking forward to la primavera (springtime), as well as spring break and la Pascua (Easter) coming up in a few weeks! In the meantime, there is a lot going on!

Here is an update on our week...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with h: ha, he, hi, ho, hu. The "h" is silent in Spanish, so kids are learning to remember which words begin with the letter! We've also been learning to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction books.

Writing / Escritura: This week we started learning about instructivos, or how-to writing. We first learned how to make limonada (limeade), which is a very typical drink made in Mexico where I used to live. We also had fun making sándwiches de maní y mermelada (PB&J sandwiches)--we used Wowbutter, which many of the kids had never tried, but they loved! The kids were very brave to try something new. :) 

Math / Matemáticas
: We have continued working on counting to 100 by 1s and 10s. We are practicing forming teen numbers by using decenas (tens) and unidades (ones). We are also working on recognizing the parts of 10, such as 1+9, 2+8, etc. Finally, we are working on telling and solving number stories.

Bible / Biblia: This week we learned about the prophet Elías, who listened to God even when el Rey Acab (King Ahab) worshipped idols. We learned about how Elías built an altar and prayed for fire from heaven--and how God sent it! Our God is the one true God!

Science / Ciencias: This week we have continued our study of force and motion. We are trying to figure out what makes a person go faster or slower down a slide, conducting experiments to test our theories. We learned that if we push an object down a slide, it will go down faster and land farther away from the bottom.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

...are next Thursday, March 21st, and Monday, March 25th! I look forward to talking with you about your child's progress! *If you have not signed up for a conference, please reach out to me so you can do so ASAP!

March Is Reading Month!

As part of the national celebration of reading month, West Michigan WhiteCaps is providing a free optional Reading Tracker/Ticket Order Form.
  1. Students and/or their grown-ups keep track of reading minutes in March. 
  2. Those who participate are eligible for 2 free tickets to select WhiteCaps home games.
All information regarding this incentive and how to order free tickets is included on the WhiteCaps 2024 Reading Club Form.

Rose Park (rescheduled) Family Festival: The Fall Family Festival has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7. If you had registered for this fun family gathering in the Fall, your registration automatically transferred to the Spring. If you haven’t registered and would like to attend with your family, cost is $10 per family and you can contact Jennifer Neumann @ .

PT Conference Meal: Our gracious parent board is organizing meals for our teachers during parent/teacher conference evenings. If you’re able and willing to contribute to the yummies, THANK YOU and please check this link!

SI Summer Camp

¡Acompáñanos! Join us at our SI Summer Camp! See information below:


That's all for now! Enjoy more photos from our week below...

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