Friday, March 1, 2024

26 de febrero - 1 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

We're wrapping up another busy week in kindergarten! We had some special activities this week, including receiving local author Kelly Baptist on Monday, doing barn chores on Tuesday, and how about that beautiful weather on Tuesday?! Here is what else we've been up to...

Reading / Lectura: This week we studied the syllables ya, ye, yi, yo, yu. The letter makes the same sound in Spanish as it does in English, as well as the same sound as the Spanish letter ll. We have also been studying verbs and their different endings in Spanish.

Writing / Escritura: This week we started working on writing 3-part stories. We did this by thinking about a time when we were feeling happy, sad, angry, proud, etc. and then brainstormed what happened al principio, en medio, y al final (beginning, middle, and end). We will continue doing this next week!

Math / Matemáticas: We have been playing a new game called la parte secreta (the secret part), in which we guess the missing part of a number. The kids are getting more confident explaining how they know what the missing number is. We've also been enjoying some new math centers focused on addition and counting to 100.

Bible / Biblia: We have been learning about el Rey David and how he loved God. This week we learned about David's friendship with Jonathan, how he wrote salmos to God and how his son Salomón asked God for sabiduría (wisdom).

Immersion Tip of the Week 

I encourage you to help your child continue to hear and speak Spanish this week, whether it be watching a video, going to a place where there are Spanish speakers, or talking with a friend or family member! Language learning never stops, even outside of the classroom!

Reading Tip of the Week

Visit the library this week (or sometime this month) and check out some new books! Try some easy readers in English, or in Spanish (the Holland public library has a good selection of Spanish books--check out the Vox books that read to you). Get excited about starting a new book or a new series with your child!

Class Chapel

Our class is excited to be leading Chapel this Thursday, March 7th from 8:30-9:00 in the small gym! You are welcome to join us in worship that morning.

Spring Weather & Winter Clothes

As the weather gets warmer outside, kids tend to want to shed their winter clothes quickly! Our rule at Rose Park regarding coats is that if it is under 50 degrees, kids are still required to wear them. If it is warmer out but still under 50, you might want to have your child bring a lighter coat. Also, please continue to send boots, as it is often muddy outside!

Sharing Our Gifts: Park Township approached Rose Park several weeks ago requesting HELP from the creative thinking our students are becoming well known for! Park Township is in the brainstorming stage of designing a community center near the property of the Park Township office. Our Rose Park kids, at their request, have been engaging in a design thinking process developing a community center that children and families might get excited about visiting! You are invited to the township open house with your child if you’d like to share in the process. Details of this event can be found HERE!

PT Conference Meal: Our gracious parent board is organizing meals for our teachers during parent/teacher conference evenings. If you’re able and willing to contribute to the yummies, THANK YOU and please check this link

Reading Blizzard - Our readers are rocketing! We're celebrating the blossoming growth we are tracking in our readers! Thank you for supporting these efforts at home! On March 14 we'll be celebrating reading throughout our building. We'll be setting up reading/learning forts for a special fun event on March 14th. Please send a spare sheet or towel with your child on the 14th and we'll take care of the rest!

Have a great weekend! Enjoy more pictures from our week below...

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