Friday, March 8, 2024

4-8 de marzo

¡Hola Familias!

It was a fun and eventful week! We started off by celebrating meeting our Spanish goal with a fiesta de helado--ice cream party--on Monday. On Tuesday, we planted seeds in the greenhouse, which we are anxiously waiting to grow! On Thursday, the kids did a beautiful job leading the school in worship during our chapel service (slides linked here if you'd like to see our songs and videos). We also welcomed a group of high school immersion students to our classroom to read with them and get to know them a little bit--it was so special for the kids! All week I have noticed how much the kids are speaking Spanish amongst each other! I'm proud of them for all their hard work!

Here's more about what we've been learning...

Reading / Lectura: This week we learned the syllables with the letter ñ in Spanish (it makes a /ny/ sound). We have also been learning about reflexive verbs in Spanish as well as comparing fiction and nonfiction books.

Writing / Escritura
: This week we concluded our study in writing 3-part stories. The kids worked SO hard on these stories and really enjoyed presenting them to their classmates! I am saving them for their writing portfolios, but I'll show them to you during conferences. I am so proud of them!
Math / Matemáticas: This week we practiced representing teen numbers by making a group of 10 plus more. We are also working on recognizing parts of numbers, reviewing names and attributes of shapes, and counting from 1-100.

Bible / Biblia: In addition to preparing for our class chapel this week, we continued learning about el Rey Salomón, whom God blessed with sabiduría (wisdom) and much more. We learned about how he led the Israelites to construct el templo--the temple--and used our imaginations to try to recreate it using different building materials!

Easter Projects Coming Up!

We are going to start learning about the resurrection story pretty soon, and we will need a few items to do this together! Please send in the following items by next Friday, March 15th: 

1. Two sticks, bound together with twine or string to form a cross. They should be about finger thickness and stand no more than about a foot tall. Please label the cross with a post-it or tag with your child's name!

2.  A dozen colored plastic eggs, labeled from 1-12, in an egg carton. Please label the carton with your child's name!

Critter Barn Field Trip

We have a field trip to the Critter Barn next Thursday, March 14th! I will take up to five parent chaperones; please let me know if you'd like to accompany us! We will leave at 12:20 right after lunch and arrive back at school at the end of the day, around 3:00.

Welcome Helena Lemos!

We are excited to welcome Helena Lemos as our SI interventionist for the remainder of the year. She is a fluent Spanish speaker, comes with years of educational experience, and is excited to jump right in to help all our learners. Thank you for continuing to partner with us. 

SI Summer Camp

We are so excited to be putting on another fun summer camp this year! See below for details, or click here to access the registration form directly.

Rose Park (rescheduled) Family Festival: The Fall Family Festival has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7. If you had registered for this fun family gathering in the Fall, your registration automatically transferred to the Spring. If you haven’t registered and would like to attend with your family, cost is $10 per family and you can contact Jennifer Neumann @ .

PT Conference Meal: Our gracious parent board is organizing meals for our teachers during parent/teacher conference evenings. If you’re able and willing to contribute to the yummies, THANK YOU and please check this link

Reading Blizzard - Our readers are rocketing! We're celebrating the blossoming growth we are tracking in our readers! Thank you for supporting these efforts at home! On March 14 we'll be celebrating reading throughout our building. We'll be setting up reading/learning forts for a special fun event on March 14th. Please send a spare sheet or towel with your child on the 14th and we'll take care of the rest!

Have a great weekend, and enjoy more photos from our week below!


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